Adsız Bölüm 6

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The design of ships is governed by scientific principles and economic considerations but in practise it has many of the qualities of an art.

The designer may be supplied with the precise and the detailed requirements of an owner or he may receive only the barest outline of requirements such as the weight of Cargo to be carried and the speed.

The dimensions and the main characteristics of the ship are governed by trade in which the vessel is to compete.

High density cargoes such as iron require little cubic capacity.

The ports which the vessel must enter may impose restrictions on length and draught.

Passage through canals may restrict both draught and breadth.

The natüre of the Cargo may determine the size of Cargo holds and of the hatchways through which the Cargo is loaded and unloaded.

Available facilities at the ports to be entered effect the loading apparatus to be installed in the vessel.

Gemilerin tasarımı, bilimsel ilkeler ve ekonomik düşüncelerle yönetilir, ancak pratikte bir sanatın birçok niteliğine sahiptir. Tasarımcıya, bir mal sahibinin kesin ve ayrıntılı gereksinimleri sağlanabilir veya yalnızca taşınacak Kargonun ağırlığı ve hızı gibi gereksinimlerin en sade taslağını alabilir. Geminin boyutları ve temel özellikleri, geminin rekabet edeceği ticarete tabidir. Demir gibi yüksek yoğunluklu kargolar, küçük kübik kapasite gerektirir. Geminin girmesi gereken limanlar, uzunluk ve su çekimine kısıtlamalar getirebilir. Kanallardan geçiş hem cereyanı hem de genişliği kısıtlayabilir. Kargonun doğası, Kargo ambarlarının ve Kargonun yüklendiği ve boşaltıldığı ambar ağızlarının boyutunu belirleyebilir. Giriş yapılacak limanlarda mevcut tesisler, gemiye takılacak yükleme aparatını etkiler.


it is clear that when a ship is being ordered the designer is often given a lot of freedom in the type of the design but he'll expect to be told --------

a-sth.about what it is to carry and how fast it is to travel

b-the type of loading apparatus to install

c-sth.about the route

d-the exact dimensions that are required

e-exactly how big the cargo holds should be


the size of a ship --------

a-needs to be large if it is to have high density cargoes

b-will reflect the type of goods to be carried

c-is unimportant so long as it doesnt have to pass through canals 

d-has relatively little bearing upon its cost

e-affects the system of loading of the cargo


according to the passage a great many factors have to be considered in the design of the ship----------

a-of which economic matters are the least important

b-no designer is prepared to accept just a simple outline of requirements 

c-but one of the least important is the cubic capacity needed for the cargo,

d-including conditions in the port it 'll call in  at

e-the relationship between length and breadth

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