One: один

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This was the last time she would attend one of these mind-numbing events, Sophia told herself, disinterest clear in the way she stood, her back half turned towards the room, eyes cast heavenwards. She hadn't wanted to attend in the first place, but her father had been occupied elsewhere and someone from the family had to attend, apparently. She knew all too well not to disobey her father's wishes; he was a powerful man, one that could make your life hell should he wish.

Truthfully, if it had just been the event that she had to deal with, she could have endured the dull conversations and false smiles. No, what had her desperate to leave was the man she had caught sight of across the hall only half an hour ago; the man who had been slowly but surely making his way across the room towards her.

"You look well." Sophia didn't allow herself to appraise the towering man beside her for more than a second, as he finally detached himself from the rapt attention of a middle-aged women that had held him captive in conversation for the last ten minutes. One look at the woman and Sophia knew that Mrs Ivanov was a little too drunk and far too interested in Giovanni D'Onofrio's company, for a married woman.

This was the first time Sophia had seen him in weeks; the first time she had seen him standing in months. Was this the first time he had left the manor alone since his recovery? The attack he suffered from six months ago had been a brutal one, and it had taken so long just for him to wake up. Those first few weeks in the hospital had been more than enough stress for Sophia to handle in her lifetime. Not that she would tell him as much.

"You've been avoiding me," Giovanni all but grunted.

A wry smile twisted across her rouged lips. She took a moment to study her surroundings, to the large ballroom decorated with gaudy gold furnishings and clashing colours. Beside her, despite his calm exterior, she knew that Giovanni was becoming irritated by her purposeful silence. Perhaps it was only fair to put him out of his misery.

Spearing him with a biting smile and a steady gaze she teased, "My we do have a big ego, don't we? Surprisingly, I don't make it a habit of scheduling my life with you in mind, to avoid you or otherwise."

"Sophia," he drawled, a reprimand clear in his tone.

"Giovanni." She speared him with a long, neutral stare, before her attention fell away and settled back onto the room full of drunks. Even she could feel the familiar buzz of alcohol thrumming through her. It had taken more than a couple of drinks to endure such an evening.

"What are you doing here?"

"Am I not allowed to socialise?" She retorted sharply, finding nothing but disapproval in his eyes. Sophia's nostrils flared; jaw clenched as she fought back her irritation.

"You don't appear to be doing much socialising stood here in the corner by yourself."

"I was just about to leave actually," she snapped. "I'm waiting for my date to get her coat."

His gaze darkened, a visible scowl tightening across his face. Sophia recognise the familiar expression for what it was; jealousy.

"Don't," he uttered abruptly, attention no longer fixed on her as he too surveyed the room, as if their conversation was light and anything but the emergence of an argument about to ensue. Anyone who looked on at their interaction would see nothing more than too guests conversing quietly.

"Don't, what?" She snapped back, her words becoming tight.

"Don't go home with her."

"I will go home with whomever I like, malishka," she answered bitingly, her tone leaving no room for discussion. Where did this man gather the audacity to command her as he pleased? Did he honestly think she would listen; that she would roll over and do as he wished?

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