Chapter One

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Long ago, there was a prophecy about 5 teenagers who would save their planet from a powerful monster. Nobody knew who they were, or what they could do, or what their strengths were. All they did was wait.

<Novania:6:04 AM , Eliza's POV>

^Monday, March 22^

" Wakeeee upp-! " I opened my eyes, mason was right in my face with a wide smile.
" oh- uh- goodmorning! " I smile back at him and sit up. Mason lifts his hand up and all of a sudden someone else fronts, he didn't hit me, did he.? Who knows.... but I can kind of hear the situation.
" bitch, you aren't gonna hit me are you? I'll kill you. " Of course, Ethan.
" No..? I was just going to do your hair, I'm sorry, did I scare you.? "
Next, Ella fronted.
" Noo it's okay!! Don't worry!! "
My vision blurred and suddenly I was back In control of my body.
" Let's just get ready.. " I stand up and try standing on the tips of my toes to kiss Mason on the cheek, it really sucks when you're 4'11 and your boyfriend is 5'10. He laughs and picks me up so i can finally reach, I kiss him and he puts me back down.
" You sure you don't want me to buy you those platforms? "
" It's alright. I-I promise. " I laugh a bit and grab my clothes, Mason leaves the room to take care of oscar and houstan, and I get dressed. I wonder how my siblings are doing..? Who knows. I finish getting dressed and walk outside my room, Mason had already fed the kids, he's the best..
" Do you think you can try and eat something today, Liz..? "
" Uhm-... maybe..? Grapes might be fine.. I just don't wanna get sick at school.. "
" Okay... I'm proud of you, you're doing a good job..! " He smiles and hugs me, it feels warm.. I like this feeling..
I try eating some grapes, to make him happy. I want him to stay proud of me.. is that selfish? He stands up.
" Alright, let's go take the kids to daycare, want me to carry them? "
" I'll take Houstan today, you always do so much for me.. I wanna help out..! " I smile, he smiles back. We put everyone in the car and drive off.

<Novania: 7:00AM, Jack's POV>

Do you know how hard life is without an arm? Spoiler alert, you don't. Unless you're me. I don't remember it well, but when I was 4 I was playing on something when all of a sudden this black and red demon looking thing went ch o m p. And my arm was gone, the bone and everything. Not to mention It took one of my rings, us Bunris basically need those to live, we get 8 in total and once they're all gone bam! We die! Crazy stuff. Me and my nubby arm already got dressed, now I'm making toast, I like toast. Specifically toast with jam. Strawberry jam. Anywho- I'm in 9th grade, fresh into high school! I already have a group of friends too! There's Ian, he's really anxious and dorky, Bailey, who somehow is already married? Well the legal age is 14, so i guess it works. Next there's me, Jack. ( I'm the coolest one, hah. ) There's pacifast, she has a brother named genocide, cool shit. And lastly theres Eliza. She's like, seriously bipolar, or it's DID, whatever it is she sure likes keeping it a secret..! She also has a boyfriend, aND kids, talk about going too fast. Whatever, shes cool. They're all cool, if they weren't I wouldn't be friends with them! And speaking of relationships, the triplets, ( Eliza is one of them ). ALL Have boyfriends/girlfriends. Kota and Kody literally scored the murder twins. I call them the murder twins because their names are genocide and pacifast, hah. It's weird. Anyways, I've been working on making a robotic arm, that's why I'm in robotics. Missing an arm is really annoying, soo I'm making one myself! Not to mention when my arm got bit off there was two itty bitty letters scarred in my skin, it's like a brand. The letters say S.E. I don't know what it stands for, maybe I'll ask bailey today, she's really smart!

<Novania: 7:25 AM, Bailey's POV>

I'm walking to school with Ian, his sister kicked him out again. Me and Ian are good friends, since we are the only people that directly know Solar. The prophecy will come true soon, I know it. What scares me
is Solar hasn't got that powerful yet.. so something bad is bound to happen soon. Hopefully it's not to one of us.
" Bailey..! We're almost at school. "
Ian interrupts my thoughts
" Oh, alright.. "
I sigh. You're probably wondering who Solar is, how we know him, and what's going on. Solar Eclipse, a power thirsty cannibal demon, the one i fell in love with. He killed his entire family and his best friend. I married him and allowed him to take my soul so we could be together forever, bad idea. I'm stuck at the age of 15 until me or him is dead. Truly, I'm 305, 305 year old stuck in a 15 year old body. Ian, however, was only recently effected, he was brought to our mansion in a horrible state, Solar put him under mind control to use as our slave. Whenever Ian is near him, at the snap of his fingers he's completely taken over. I feel bad for him.

<Novania: 7:34 AM Pacifast's POV>

Today feels off, I don't like it. I'm at school waiting for my friends, nobody is here yet. Something bad is gonna happen today, I don't know what, I don't know how, I just know. It gives me a bad feeling. Kody walks inside the building. Geno, who was formerly standing next to me, waved and started walking away.
" Bye Paci! I'll cya later!! "
" Bye Geno! "
I'm alone. I check my watch, 7:36. School starts in about... 14 minutes. Let's hope they make it in time, ugh, it doesn't matter. We're always late. I sigh and sit down, Eliza walks in with Mason. I watch them hug and kiss goodbye, blegh, romance, ugh, I can't say that, I'm literally dating her sister. Eliza waves and walks over to me.
" H-Hello Pacifast! G-Good m-morning! " She's a sweet, yet shy, girl, that's what's going to get her hurt in the long run.
" Good morning, Elizabeth. " I sigh and light a cigarette geno gave me. Yes I know, I shouldn't smoke in school or in general, but today is different. Next I see Ian and Bailey. It's 7:53 now. Jack better not be late.
" Bailey.. Ian.... h-hello! " Eliza turns around, I sit there and smoke, honestly I could care less. Ugh. I'm turning into my brother. I try cheering up.
" Good morning Bailey! And Ian..! " I smile
" Hello Pacifast, and Hey Eliza!! " Bailey grins at us, Ian sighs and waves. Jack finally walks in.
" Sorry I'm late guys..! " If he had a right arm, he'd finger gun us. I don't understand why he doesn't use his other arm. The bell rings, somehow, we all have the same exact schedule. It's weird, we don't think of it. We set off to our first class.

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