Chapter Three

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<Novania, 5:00 PM, Bailey's POV>

^Thursday, March 25^

I knew it.
" Solar! Why would you kill the poor boy?!"
" Simple. I respectfully asked him to heal my eye. He didn't agree, I asked him again. He would not heal me. So I took his power. "
" But now your eye is worse! I'm worried about you, Solar! "
" Shut up. Don't worry about me. "
I sigh.. Solar snaps his fingers and Ian basically teleports to us.
" Y-Yes M-Mr. Eclipse..? "
" You're off for today. " He snaps again.
Ian immediately starts crying, I hug him and help him go home.
" Bailey.. why me? " Ian sniffed and looked away
" There's no reason for Solar to do anything he does, he's just insane. "
We get to ian's house, the door is still locked. I sigh
" Wanna go to pacifast's? Tell her about, yknow.. "
Ian sighs and nods, so we start off.

<Novania, 5:27, Pacifast's POV>

Dad's out at the bar again, Mom hasn't left her room since Geno died, she probably killed herself, great. I'm sitting on the couch playing call of duty, it was Geno's favorite game so-. I here a knock on the door.. god.. who is it this time? Hopefully it's himawari, but she is a few towns over so she might not have heard yet- ugh. I open the door, Its Ian and Bailey, great. Bailey sighs.
" We need to talk, Pacifast. "
I blink
" Huh? What is it? "
" It's about Geno. "
Ian just awkwardly stands behind Bailey
" What? You know who did it? "
" Mhm.. "
I'm on the verge of tears
" Tell me-. Now. "
She sits me down and tells me everything about this Solar dude, what he did and what he's done. I can't believe it.. Bailey is 300 years old?! That's not the point, whoever this Solar Eclipse dude is, he's horrible.
" That dudes PSYCHO- I'm gonna kill him- I'm gonna- "
" You can't. The prophecy isn't ready yet- we aren't ready yet. "
" All you can do now is practice to fight, all that's left is Eliza. We should go tell Jack what's going on. "
" Whatever- He better not touch Mason or the Kids-. Or Eliza- Or Dakota. If he does I'm not gonna hesitate to cut his di- "
" We get it. " Bailey awkwardly smiles, grabs me and Ian's wrists, and walks out.

<Novania, 6:30, Jack's POV>

I'm working on my new and improved
arm-for-nubby-arms when suddenly there's a knock on my door. I get up to open it, everyone but Elizabeth was there
" Hii guys!! "
" Hey Jack. " Bailey smiles
" Can we talk to you? " Pacifast looks at Bailey.
Ian is quietly standing next to them.
" Yeah sure! What's up? "
I had them sit down in the chairs next to me, and they started explaining why my arm was gone. Something about the initials stood for Solar Eclipse and it bit my arm off for power?
" Isn't a Solar Eclipse when like uhhh- the moon covers the sun or something? "
" You're stupid. " Pacifast hits me on the back of the head.
" HEY-! That's mean " I frown, she sighs.
" No, Jack. Solar Eclipse is a person. " Bailey blinks.
" So you're like- Woaaaah You're older than my grandma!! "
" How old is your grandma? "
" Dead! "
" I see-. "
" Anyways, soooo what you're telling me is that you married this evil demon thing that kills people and killed his entire family for power? And is now a power thirsty beast? And now there's a prophecy with us in it and now something bad is gonna happen to Eliza so we're gonna all team up to kill it? "
" Yeah. " Pacifast puts her hands on her hips.
" Woaaaaaah! We're in a comic book or something!! "
" Sure. Yeah. " Pacifast looks annoyed now.
" Anyways, I'll be going home now. Bye, I guess. " Pacifast walks out.
" We'll go too.! Goodbye, Jack!" Bailey grabs Ian, Ian smiles and shyly waves goodbye. Cute. I like shy dudes. Wait wh-

<Novania, 1:15 PM, Eliza's POV>

^Saturday, March 27^

Me and Kody are fighting over something- well it's not technically me... Ethan is fronted right now, so. They're arguing back and forth. I can hear swear words being thrown around.. I hate this. Eventually Kody walks out, I front and follow him. He goes up to the roof of a building, I sit under a bench in the corner to make sure he doesn't try to jump. A demon looking man with black hair suddenly teleports to him, they have a conversation. Kody suddenly starts crying and yelling at him. The man sighs, I hear him say something like
" I didn't want to do this, Kody. But if you're so obsessed with your boyfriend and he's more important than your job, how about you join him? "
He's not gonna- No. NO-! Ethan fronts- Then Ella- Then Emilia- Then Erin... they're all fronting, I can't breathe, why won't they stop.. I can feel myself shaking, crying- no, I feel frozen. Am I? All i can see is the scene before me unfold. They're fighting, the man knocks him down and- No. I can't believe it- I won't. I close my eyes and pray it's a dream- I hear Kody scream- I open my eyes, the man is still there-. I don't care.. I stand up... nobody fronts.
" KODY-! " I scream, the man turns to me.
" I'm sorry Liz, don't tell anyone about this, or he'll get you too. Please, make sure he dies. " I hug him, the man smirks, puts his finger over his lips, and teleports away with Kody. I don't believe this-. I breathe heavily.. Next thing you know, I've passed out.

<Novania, 9:17, Eliza's POV>

I wake up, It's nighttime, I don't wanna go home right now, I message Mason telling him I won't be back for a bit, and walk to Pacifast's house. I knock on the door, she opens it.
" Pacifast- Pacifast.. oh my god- Kody- he- I- " I start crying, she sits me on her couch.
" What happened?! Are you okay? "
" Y-Yeah but Kody- He- He's dead-. "
Her eyes widen.
" Hold on, let me make a few phone calls."
She gets up, calls a few people, and within the next 20 minutes Jack, Bailey, and Ian are at the house.
" Do we have to tell her now? I was ma- sleeping. " Jack's eyes shift to Ian for half a second. He looks away, blushes and scratches his neck.
" Yes, we do. " Bailey crosses her arms.
" Tell me what? What's going on-? "
Bailey sighs, and explains everything. I start crying.
" Not gonna lie, It kinda sucks. " Jack awkwardly smiles.
" Not yet, we aren't ready. "
" Ughhhhhhh- Fine. "
" Can we have a sleepover here and do one of those cool training things they do in movies?! " Jacks eyes light up.
" Sure- My dad won't be home for a few days-. This isn't a movie though. "
" OkKkAYyYy "
Everyone leaves to get stuff, they come back, make popcorn and watch movies. I don't eat anything.
Jack whispers something to Ian and they go into the guest room. I-..... pardon-? Uh- let's hope they be quiet.
They come out of the room, both blushing like crazy, great. Just..... great.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2020 ⏰

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