Move in?!

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You broke down in tears and jaden ran straight to you and wrapped his arms around you and just hugged you until you calmed down. Whilst he was hugging you he also took the letter from his hands and read it.

J- hey look at me y/n none of this is true you are an amazing person you never did anything wrong in this family. Anyone would be lucky to say they raised a beautiful kind amazing girl like you y/n don't listen to your mom!
Y- t-thank you-u
J- now come on let's get your stuff and leave this house

You and jaden finished putting everything in boxes then took them down to his car. When you were taking your last boxes to your car you mom and Tayler pulled up in the drive. You tried to ignore them and just put your stuff away but then they started to talk to you.

M- ahh I see josh told you to get your stuff
Y- uh huh
T- we are gonna miss you y/n
Y- whatever
Y- goodbye guys

You got in jadens car and he drove back to joshes when you got there you walked into the living room to see josh and all the boys playing video games. They all helped you carry your boxes to the guest bedroom, whilst josh stayed downstairs and made a phone call.

~Josh's pov~

Whilst y/n and the boys brought her boxes upstairs you stayed downstairs and called your parents.

J- Hey mom can I talk to you about something?
M- sure honey what's up?
J- so you know how y/n and her step dad don't really get along well
M- uh huh
J- well he just kicked her out of her house
M- omg that poor darling
J- yeah well I was wondering is y/n could move into the guest bedroom for a while until we are able to find her an apartment?
M- or course y/n can move in. She can stay as long as she wants. She is like the child I never had I would love to have her here!
J- MOM!!! I am right here you know
M- hahaha sorry honey but yes tell y/n she can start to decorate her room right now if she wants!
J- thank you so much mom y/n will love this! Love you!
M- love you too josh see you soon!

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