First of all...

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Hello there all my beautiful readers! It's KorraSage2468 here!

I just want to thank all my followers and readers who have been there for me through out this time and writers block. And for reading my stories as well! 

Now, all the characters here come from a place called Kumasi, ( u can look it up if you want) in my home Ghana so yeah, I don't really know much about the ''outside world''.So I'm using places from my home for parts of this story. Other paces I'll just make up their names.😆 

Now, I name all the characters names and NONE of them are Ghanaian. I just jumble up words and find ones that sound good so don't be surprised if you find a name like mahata, malika, chihuna, etc.

Now, just in case you didn't know, Kelpies are magical horses that can change from human to horse. They can be protective and fiercely dangerous if threatened. But they can also see right through you ( nOt ThAt WaY) and tell if you have a good or bad heart. If you have a good heart, They'll leave you alone, or befriend you. If you have a bad heart, they'll lure you to get on their backs as if to ride them, them they'll send you to the heart of the river.  Nobody knows if they were eaten or drowned or killed. Nobody knows....

ANYWAY! Enjoy the story!

Peace out.✌🏾 

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