Kibutsuji Muzan

771 22 4

We make it to the largest town in the area, even at night it feels like the sun is shining directly at my tired, closed eyes. I feel Nezuko's swaying a little from tiredness as well, Tanjiro on the other hand is filled to the brim with energy causing me to smile at his youthful innocence

Tanjiro: woah! It's so bright out here even though it's nighttime!

Haruka:*rubbing eyes* yeah, it's too bright

Tanjiro: oh c'mon Haruka, you're supposed to be the one with great eye sight

Haruka: I know but........I've never done well with bright lights at night. You lead the way, I'm gonna rest my eyes

Tanjiro continues to drag me and Nezuko around town. I start to succumb to the darkness of me falling asleep until the fresh smell of udon reaches my nose causing my to come to a complete halt. Food and sleep is all I want so can you really blame me?

Tanjiro: what is it Haruka?

I point to where the smell is coming from

Haruka: food........

Tanjiro: sure, it has been a a long walk here

We sit down and wait for our food to be ready

Tanjiro: this night has been fun hasn't it?

Haruka: uh-huh..........*yawn*is it sleepy time......?

Tanjiro:*laughs* according to Nezuko-chan it is

I look at Nezuko and see that see is leaned against me asleep

Haruka: looks like I'm not the only sleepy head here.........

Udon cart man: come and get it

Tanjiro hands me a bowl of fresh Udon. I start eating immediately but I see Tanjiro drop his bowl while he has a look of horror on his face

Haruka: are you okay....? Or did the tiredness also get to you?

Tanjiro: I.......I need to go! Sorry!

Tanjiro rushes off before I can say anything to him

Haruka:*visible confusion* what........?

Confused, I follow him pushing past the crowd. Finally I caught up with him and see him confronting a man with long and curly black hair with a fedora on

Fedora man: I think you have the wrong person

His voice sounded like he wanted to kill, I could sense probably the most bloodlust I've sensed in my life. But that wasn't the thing that scared me the most, rather it was the fact that a woman holding a child was walking with him, that poor woman and child were the ones I felt the most scared for.

Fedora man: I'm sorry...I don't know who that is

His deathly stare was then fixed on me, as if he knew me. In a flash, he cut a random man in the back causing him to turn into a demon, this wasn't a dream, this IS Muzan. Time then seemed to slow down around us as Muzan stares at me with a creepy smile.

Muzan: hello Haruka, it's been a while

I'm taken aback by this statement,

Haruka:*thinks*what is this guy talking about? Does he know me?!*out loud* what do you mean?! W-Why...

He cuts me off

Muzan: I'm surprised you haven't figured it out yet. Your father, he accepted the demon blood with open arms, that's why he was able to live among the humans, because of a little experiment I was trying to do. During this time, he would be a normal man when it was day but at night........well, you know

Memories of my garbage childhood flash through my head, it all made sense now. The strange disappearances in my village, the way my father would go out at night and not come back for days, the hateful look in his eyes, not to mention the sheer bloodlust I sensed from him when he abused my mother, it's exactly the same for any other demon.

Muzan: now you realize it don't you? Good. Now do me a favor and continue to live and suffer with the fact that your father is a demon

Haruka: wait! B-But how was I able to kill him!?

Muzan: a stupid mistake on my part, I forgot that his knife was partially nichirin. Even then, knowing you killed him was a surprise to say the least. Well, it's was a fun experiment, but I doubt I'll do it again, it took a lot out of me after all

Time resumes and Muzan disappears into the crowd with his "family". I look over and see Tanjiro trying to kill the demon only for the cops to try and pry him off. As I'm still trying to comprehend the situation a strange pattern on flowers appears and a brunette lady steps forward with a blue haired man following behind

Blue hair dude: he's a demon and yet you still refer to it as a person? Utter fools

I see a demonic presence from the two so I immediately start to draw my sword

Brunette woman: calm down, we are demons yes. But I can help him

I the start to see a more human like presence from the two and I'm left confused. However I now realize these people aren't the bad guys and leave them be, me and Tanjiro go back to the Udon cart and Tanjiro gets himself two blows of Udon to make up for the one he dropped. Something about him doing this puts a smile on my face.

Tanjiro: alright, you ready to go Haruka?

Haruka: yeah, from what just happened I've definitely woken up now

Tanjiro: okay, let's go

The three of us start walking until we hear Nezuko growling at something, we look and see that it's the blue haired dude from earlier

Blue haired dude: oh there you are, I was wondering when I'd find you two

Haruka: what do you mean?

The guy looks at Nezuko

Blue haired dude: that girl right there is a demon, a brute one at that

Haruka: rude

It took Tanjiro a full thirty seconds to register what the guy said, and's pretty much like this for the whole walk, Tanjiro arguing with this guy. It's kinda funny at first but now it's just annoying, hopefully we aren't walking too far.

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