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Hey guys!!! This is my very first story, im sorry if it has grammatical errors i promise i'll work on that.

Anyways, thank you for reading this story, i hope you'll like it.




A woman with a dark blue hair handed a child to no other than Naberius Kalego.

"Such courage you have, woman." exclaimed a the man.

"Perhaps your puny mortal brain fails to comprehend what you have just said."

Red eyes peer at the woman thats standing infront of the magic circle he was summoned by. The lady, he forgot her name was but remembers that he had spent a night with her once. It happend few years ago, when he was also called by the same indivual. The first time he was beckoned to the human world, he was curious as to what the other species were like and similar to any other demon, allowed himself to be tempted.

Their meeting was nothing more than that. It was merely an accident, and it's his fault that he gave in.

"Thats imposible,"

This is false.

"that child cannot be my daugther ,"

Who dares lie to his face?

The woman has a husband - a brunette with brown eyes. She on the other hand has dark blue hair and irises in a similar shade. The girl looks nothing like them with his blue lagoon from head to toe. Strange indeed, yes. The coloring is similar to his mother - the former Naberius matriarch - and they look quite similar as well - he'd admit - but surely that was his brain playing tricks on him because this situation is unheard of. It was simply impossible, unmanageable
- it can't ever happen.

This is a jest. This woman is playing a trick on him. That should be it!

"No! Shes your child ! a freak," the man exclaims with an angry expression as he manhandles the baby girl.

Kalego's blood boils at the sight because in the Netherworld children are precious and they should never be treated that way. It looks like humans have different values - pathetic and disgraceful. Clearly, this person has no regard whatsoever. He might even go as far and assume that this person loathes the child. With the way he frowned and growled, it was easy for others to come to that conclusion. The demon watches as the male - a poor excuse of a man - shouts and grips the child tightly.

the shirt comes loose, two extended limbs show a contrast to the child's pale skin. What shocked him is that scars was also seen in the child's bare back, signifying that they attempted to ground her specifically they tried to get rid of her wings.

Speaking of wings , the looks can be compared to a baby bird's wing - short and bare, tender, and red at the base. There's fluff in a few places, bits of raven feathers here and there and it's dreadful. Demon kins don't possess wings like that. They're webbed from the moment they're born and they only grow through wingspan. This is different. Kalego has never seen or heard of anything like this before.

This girl is an anomaly.

See!?" the man hastily grips harder almost choking the child. "The kid's a demon!"

And you're a fool. This man is a fool.

Kalego might be heartless and cold. He might put up an apathetic façade and build walls around himself but he's not pitiful, like this creature standing in front of him. He presses his lips into a thin line when he sees those clear blue eyes opens, blue eyes pooling with tears because oddly enough - in the human world - being referred to as a demon is considered an insult. The adults show no remorse or contempt about the child's feelings. They simply babble on and on, insisting their points about how this girls an oddity and why he should take her - the very reason why he was summoned. They don't even seem to be aware of the fact that they're right in front of a demon.

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