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Screams and cheers filled the usually carefree environment. Team members hugged one another as the scores were announced. Others just sat down on the wooden benches the park provided with long faces. Parents consoled their loser kids, lying to them about how good they really were and the unfairness of the voting committee and judges.

Honestly speaking, these kids were worse than me times a hundred and that, is saying something.

"How I wish you were here."I muttered softly. A breeze passed by and tickled my cheek. I chuckled.


The soft voice startled me and my head snapped up to look at the intruder.

A little girl of about six stood on the grass behind me, staring right at me.Her hair was shoulder length and crimson. Her pupils were a weird mixture of grayish black. She had a small cute nose with pink pouty lips. She was clad in green from head to toe. Her knee length dress had little green leaves just trailing all over it. She wore long green socks with green vans.

My eyes trailed over to her face again and I realised she had tilted her head and was studying me.

"Miss Donovan?"

I almost gasped, surprised she knew who I was.

"How you know me?"I asked, watching her carefully as she sat down on the grass next to me.

Her grayish eyes trailed over me and I almost felt vulnerable under her gaze.

"Not knowing you is like not knowing Hitler." My eyes widened and I put a hand on my chest in mock hurt.

She chuckled and I smiled at how carefree she sounded.

"So who exactly are you?" I asked, trying not to sound too rude and snobby.

"I'm Erin Whyte."she held out her hand for me to shake. I took a cautious glance at it. I've had to live with diseases and so shaking a stranger's hand isn't all that bad.Right?

Just as I was about to take it, she pulled her hand back, obviously hurt.

"I'm eight and no, I do not carry diseases around with me."she said with distaste.

I giggled nervously. "Well you already know who I am."

She smirked. "But what I don't know is what you're doing here by yourself."

I fidgeted with some loose curls and Erin sat up. Her grayish gaze found mine again. There was just something about her eyes that could disarm you. It wasn't childlike innocence. It was more like her steely gaze could cut through you and see the in-depths of your soul.

"You remind me of my mother."she said, somewhat hesitantly. My eyebrows rose.

"I bet she's as beautiful and classy as me."

Now Erin's eyebrows rose. "My mother is dead."she stated simply. She plucked a blade of grass and chewed on the end like kids her age do.She was finally acting like a child.

I gaped at her. Surely she couldn't move on so quickly. She's a child for chrissake.

"Oh."Was all I could say.


My head whipped up at the sound of the angry voice just as a man came into view.

Erin jumped up, startled, and a look of fear passed over her features before being masked beneath a false layer of happiness.

"D-daddy?"Erin slightly stuttered.

Daddy? My brow furrowed in confusion as I processed the new information. So Erin was scared of her own father? But why?

"Erin, how many times have I warned you never to talk to strangers?"his voice had quietened but still had a stern streak in it.

Erin bowed her head in shame as her alleged father walked closer, giving me a better look at him.

He was handsome. His hair was a silky pitch black that fell unto his forehead. His pupils were a dilated gray colour that gave him a sort of hurricane mood. He was quite masculine but not so much for him to drop from sexy to nasty. His lips were in a thin line and I could only just make out how soft and juicy they looked.

"Sir,"the man focused on me, his brows raising ever so slightly,"I'm not necessarily a stranger."

One quick glance at Erin and I knew I shouldn't have said that.

Taking Erin firmly by the wrist, he threw me a glare.

"That's what they all say."



My new book! Yay!!It'd be difficult updating three different books but hey, I'm up to the challenge. :)
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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2015 ⏰

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