If loving you is wrong

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I knew I should of listen to her. But instead I didn't, now I have to sit in this hell hole call a jail cell. My best friend was right you can't trust or love these hoes and to never befriend a bitch.

She played me. The only bitch..... wait I mean hoe I ever gave my heart to set me up. I could never forgive myself if my friends would of left me too. I mean who could blame them. Its always bros before hoes right? Well I guess that statement was never in my mind at the time.

If only I could of stopped it.....them or maybe even that evil bitch. If only I

could go back in time to prevent myself for ever falling for such a person. If only I could go to the beginning where it all started. The place where your life really begins. The place where you met your friends for the first time.



















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