Chapter One
Jerking awake, I looked around to see white walls and beeping monitors. My eyelids were heavy and the searing pain in the back of my head doubled. My mouth was dry and confusion struck me. Where am I? The question itself playef several times over in my head as I curiously looked around, trying find someone to answer that question.
"Hello?" I croaked. A nursing walking by stopped and became attentive as she walked toward me. "Well look who's awake!" She said in perky voice as she checked the IV bag beside me.
"Why I am?" I said softly, focusing my attention on the curvy nurse at my side. But that's when it struck me... "Who am I?" I stared at her wide-eyed, she stared back me with a surprised expression.
"You're at Faith Hill Regional Hospital. Hold on just a moment, sweetie and let me go get the doctor." Before I could object she was out the door. Sighing, I waited anxiously for the doctor to see me. The wait wasn't long, a few minutes after the nurse left an older man with thinning hair appeared in my room.
"Hello, I'm Dr. Harvey," He said, reaching out his hand to me. I shook it.
"You had quite the accident," he continued. "Seems you hit your head on a rock and have blunt force trauma to your brain, in addition to that you have a few broken ribs and a sprained ankle. You're lucky to have survived, if the deputy hadn't brought you in when he did, I'm not sure what would've happened." He paused briefly before continuing. "So I have some questions for you, just basic ones so we can adequately evaluate your mental state. That okay?" He asked while grabbing a chair and sitting next to me with a clipboard and pen in his hand.
"Yes, it's fine." I answered quietly.
"Do you know what day it is?" I scrunched my eyebrows together in concentration. Was it Saturday? That's the last day I remember.
"Saturday?" I replied, question written all over my face and in my voice.
"It's actually Thursday." Dr. Harvey replied. Was it really? Shock must have been all over my face because Dr. Harvey clear his throat and slowly said, "With trauma to the brain like you've suffered comes amnesia. It may be temporary but there's a possible it could be permanent. Now I'm going to ask one more question before I check your vitals and let you rest, sound good?" I nodded in response and eased up.
"Do you remember anything from the night of the accident?" His tone was soft and gentle but had an eager-need-to-know tint to it. Problem was I couldn't help him. I don't remember one single thing, that was the frustrating part.
After a long pause, I shook my head and Dr. Harvey gave a sympathetic nod before standing u, putting a hand on my shoulder and quickly checking my vitals.
"Okay, I'll let you rest. If you feel any discomfort, you can call one of the nurses in with a push of that green button on the remote beside your bed." He pointed to the remote, gave me a small smile and left swiftly.
• • •
It seemed like hours later before I heard the voices. It was a man and a woman, the woman was arguing with what sounded like Dr. Harvey as the man tried to calm the woman.
"What do you mean I can't see her?! She's my daughter!" The woman shrieked at the doctor, as he tried to explain.
"I'm not saying you can't, Mrs. Donnelly. I'm just trying to say that it may not be the best time right now..." Dr. Harvey's voice drifted off as the woman's shrieking quickly replaced it.
"What do you mean not the best time?! Move! I'm going to see my daughter." The woman shrieked fiercely as she pushed passed the doctor and into my room. I sat up as the woman slowed at the sight me of, tears filling her eyes.
"Alyx, sweetie?"
Who the hell is Alyx?!...
Finding Rebecca
Tajemnica / ThrillerIf you like Pretty Little Liars and have watched The Invisible as well as read Don't Look Back by Jennifer L. Armentrout, Black Ice by Becca Fitzpatrick and The Mara Dyer Trilogy by Michelle Hodkin you'll love this suspense thriller! After waking u...