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Voices in your head.

I'm presuming you know about them, right?

You might have had one in the past, or you might have one right now. But what if I told you that there's a secret organisation of voices that's mission it to stop people from making mistakes?

You probably wouldn't believe me, or think I'm crazy.

But it's true.

How do I know?

Well, I'm a part of it.

My name was Kelly, and I had a voice in my head, trying to stop me from making mistakes. But I didn't listen. I made the mistake, and I was hurt, badly. But once it happens, you can't undo it, and the voice goes away. While I had the voice in my head, I was very inquisitive. Not your ordinary;

"Oh, why are you here, who are you?" sort of thing, no, no, no. I went much more in depth than that.

And that's how I found out about the

Voitical Code.

What is the 'Voitical Code'? I hear you ask. That's what I'm here to tell you.

I hope you're ready, to dive deep into the world of voices in your head. Their origins, how they recruit, and their overall mission.

Welcome to Voitical Code.

The Voitical CodeWhere stories live. Discover now