Chapter 1

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It all started they day I met Robert. He was the new kid, I was the quite kid.

No one knew him.

So no one paid attention to him.

But I did.

New kid, new friend?


"O-oh, umm, hi! I'm Kelly, nice to meet you!" I said, scared out of my skin. I've never talked to someone I didn't know in years.

Robert looked up at me, his glorious green eyes locked on mine.

"Hello, I'm Robert. Nice to meet you." He said, smiling.

"U-uh, you're in my history! Aren't you? Wanna walk t-there?" I asked, stuttering badly.

He shrugged. "Ok."

I smiled. Mission accomplished.

We made it to history before anyone else. We just chatted about different things, family, where he's from, hobbies. The usual.

"So, why'd you move from America? Is it not really different than here?" I asked.

"Yeah, it is, but I do like it. My mom go a promotion, and became head of her office. They transferred her to their new branch, here, in England." He replied, looking up and down the corridor.

"Oh, cool. Do you play any sports? Or have any hobbies?" I asked, trying probably too hard to make conversation.

"Uh, I play basketball and would play soccer with my mates on free days, but nothing else, much. How 'bout you?" He asked.

"Not really. I enjoy writing and drawing, but not sports."

"Oh. Do you have any sibling, or anything?"

"Yes, I have a little sister," I replied. "How about you?"

"I have a brother and a sister, but they stayed with my dad back in the U.S." He sighed.

'He must really miss them,' Said a thought, that I didn't seem to think myself.

"You must really miss them," I echoed, copying the thought I seemed to have thought.

"What? Oh, yeah, I do. I mean, their family, how am I not?" He chuckled.

Wow, he has a nice laugh.

'You ligit just met him, and you're already falling for him. Typical,' Said a voice. Am I going crazy? No, no, I'm just....

For once, I can't think of an excuse.

The school bell rang and we filed into the classroom, me taking my usual seat, halfway up the classroom, next to the window. Best seat in the classroom, in my opinion. Everyone sat in their own little groups. You know, the popular girls, popular boys, average girls, average boys and a little mix of boys and girls.

Then there was me.

And, of course, Robert.

No one was taking much notice of him, or me, but I'm not that interesting anyway.

Doodling in my copy, half-listening to the teacher, is where I found myself twenty minutes later.

This was boring. I was hungry, and all I wanted was it to be lunch time, and ask Robert if he wanted to sit with me. Beats sitting under one of the large trees on the school grounds, being ignored by everyone and drawing, creating my own world.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2020 ⏰

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