P r o l o g u e

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Previously on The Hidden One:

Just then, a cloaked figure ran out of a brightly glowing portal that suddenly appeared out of nowhere. We pulled away to see who or what it was.

"Y/n!" The mysterious figure spoke.

Rixnir, the God of Music is back?!

"Dhutia isn't dead. I'll explain later. For now, your world needs your help."

Which brings us to here:
Y/n's POV

Dhutia wasn't dead...? How is that possible? Me and Sting defeated him.

"What do you mean?!" I flipped, "We defeated him! He's gone! You guys are meant to be too! He wiped you guys out!"

"I'm sorry Y/n, I know you're very confused, but your parents want you home now," He responded.

"Why didn't they come get me? Why'd they send you?" I asked, confused.

"They're still healing. I was one of the fastest to be fully healed so they requested that I come and get you...but aren't you happy to see me anyway? We used to be friends!" He smiled charmingly.

"That would be great and all if I didn't think you've been dead for my whole life," I sighed, "It's too much to take in."

"I only have a couple minutes in this world, so I'd like to personally invite you to come to your world, which I know is actually weird since your parents rule that world, which means you technically rule it too, but yeah. Tonight. 9pm," Rixnir chuckled.

"Uh, yeah sure?" I nodded with uncertainty, "Why so late?"

"Your nighttime is our daytime," Rixnir responded.

"Right," I nodded again, "Noted."

"I'll meet you at the Sabertooth guild hall-" He continued.

"Wait, how did you know about Sabertooth?" I quickly cut in.

"We know about everything. We've been keeping an eye on you," He smirked. Why did that sound so sinister? Something didn't feel right. Rixnir was generally a sweet guy, from what I could decipher, but he seemed quite cocky. Why was that?

"Well that's definitely not creepy," Sting muttered

"Can Sting come?" I asked.

"Sorry, gods and goddesses only," Rixnir responded, but something about his tone made it seem snarky.

"How disgustingly prestigious," Sting coughed.

"My time here is running out," Rixnir commented as the portal appeared again, "I look forward to seeing you tonight."

Then as quickly as he came, he was sucked back into the portal as if he was never even here.

"I don't like him," Sting spoke as soon as he was gone.

"I suspected," I laughed.

"Who even says that? We've been keeping an eye on you. What a creep!" Sting continued.

Whilst Sting was going on about how much he disliked Rixnir, thoughts flowed through my head. I wonder how my world is like. Is everyone there a god? Are they all powerful? Do they have guilds? Probably not, right? I'm guessing they wouldn't want to work together in that way since they're so powerful. I wonder if I can start a guild there? But Sabertooth is my real guild. I belong there.

Then an awful thought hit me. Would I have to leave Sabertooth? Would the other gods be against me being in a guild? And would I spend time in both worlds or would I have to pick? I can't leave Sting. He's everything to me.

"Y/n!" Sting poked my shoulder and I snapped out of my thoughts.

"Yes?" I asked.

"I've been calling your name for the past few minutes, are you okay? What's on your mind?" Sting asked back.

"I'm just...worried," I sighed, "What if my world is a horrible place?"

"Hey," Sting tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear and then cupped my face with his hands, "You're finally going to see your parents and find out where you're from. It's going to be amazing. I bet your world is amazing too, after all, you came from it should be amazing."

"Thank you Sting," I smiled, "That's really helped me calm down."

"You've got this baby," Sting placed a kiss on my forehead.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2022 ⏰

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