6) The Letter

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Lily's P.O.V

"Are you sure?" I asked fluffing the pillow for the eighteenth time. "I can stay here if you'd like. It's just one day of classes, I'm sure the professors wouldn't mind..."

Marlene rolled her eyes. "Yes, Lily, I'm sure. One day of bedrest isn't going to kill me. Plus it will be all the better when the school finds out their queen is back tomorrow!" She said arrogntly. "But until you leave, you have to fill me in on all the gossip. Stupid nurses at the hospital don't know gossip if it hit them in the face!"

I bit my lip, thinking for a moment. "Well... James Potter did try to cheer me up by turning Peter into a My Little Pony, but I denied him again. He also gave everyone cookies..."

"Dammit! I missed the cookies!" Marlene raged. "Okay, go on."

"He beat up Snape, which of course pissed me off," I added, now counting with my fingers. "I have so much work to catch up on, so I'm sure you have even more, erm... the Slug Club meets soon-"

"Thats not gossip!" Marlene scolded. "Get me Alice. Sure she's attatched to Frank, but at least she can talk," She sadded.

Rolling my eyes, I got off her bed. "We've got a class in a few moments, but I'll be back to check on you as soon as it's over, promise," I said, squeezing her hand and smiling. It was horrible to see my best friend like this. Her eyes were surrounded my dark circles and her usualy thick and flawless blonde hair was looking creepily thin and greasy. The crutacius curse was not one to be messed with.

As soon as I had reached the common room, I was bombarded with a missile labled 'Sirius Black', and he wanted to know everything.

"Is Mar back?" He asked, trying to look up the stairs, as if her bed was perched at the top of them. "Did she ask to see me? Is she okay? Does she look as sexy as always?" He asked, nearly tackling me with enthusiasm.

I smirked . "You no, she didn't mention you at all. She's perfectly fine, just needs a day of bedrest. Now that I think about it, she didn't say anything about you at all. She had quite a lot to say about the male nurse who was taking care of her, though..." I trailed off, admiring my nails. "Yeah, a real buff guy, she said. Great hair. Better than yours, I believe."

Sirius looked as though I had kicked a puppy. "B- better hair?" He asked, feeling his head. I nodded. "SHE WOULDN'T!"

"Remus!" I called to where Remus Lupin was standing in the corner with Jame and Peter Petigrew, their little gang. "Could you come remove your boyfriend? He's blocking my pathway!" I shouted, making a face.

Lupin rolled his eyes and trudged over. "Sorry, Lily," He said. "You know how much he misses his toy," He told me.

"Don't call Marlene a toy," I pouted and left the common room to see if I could find Mary or Alice.

"Evans? Go out with me!" James shouted as I left.

I tossed my hair over my shoulder. "Never!' I called. It felt great to have my best friend back, whether she was with me or not. Maybe I wouldn't try as hard to avoid Sev today. Maybe I'd let him talk to me, just to annoy James. Who knew what I was going to do?


"So maybe was could go to Hogsmede with her," Mary suggested as we strolled around the lake. Everyone seemed to be here, as it was one of the last days before winter would come biting at our noses. "Do you think that would cheer her up?"

I shurgged. "Maybe, if Frank doesn't come with us," I said, glaring at Alice, who blushed.

She played with her thumbs for a moment and looked up at the sky. "Actually, he was going to take me on a date this time, so I mean- Lily, is that your owl?" She asked, pointing to the sky.

Sure enough, my little barn owl was coming at me with two letters, one from Marlene and one from my mom. Woops- I had promised I'd write her everyday after I went back to Hogwarts. This was probably about the funeral. I decided to open the letter from Mar first, not wanting to cry with everyone here.


Look up, you idiot. I've been waving to you from the tower for like 20 minutes.

I can see you! I'm bored out of my mind up here!

-Marlene (If you don't come rescue me, you will die)

I chuckled and looked up to the tower, where she was waving her arms like a maniac. I rolled my eyes and waved back. Now for the note from my mom.


The funeral and burial were yesterday. I'm so sorry you coudn't come, I wish you were there with us. These past days have been a big struggle for your sister and I. Vernon has been around a lot and you should see the amount of food and flowers people are giving us! They're saying there was a terrorist attack at your sister's party. She forgives you for everything that's happened, but she refuses to write in fear of your school.

I wish you could've seen the suit they put your father in. It was the one he married me in, and he looked so dashing. The flowers were all lilies and petunias, after you two. They were always his favorite. We decided to bury him with some of the artwork you two had done as children and your photographs so he can have them with him where ever he goes.

The burial site was absolutelty stunning. Rolling green hills, beautiful blue skies, I tried to take a picture but my hands were shaking too badly. There where white stones- like the ones you used to collect with him- circling the grave. Your sister and I stayed a bit after to plant all of the flowers we used in the funeral and wake. I just couldn't bring myself to waste them. Afterwords, we stood there and admired them. We had enough flowers to spell our names with them, so he can read them. I wanted to leave so much more: a bottle of his cologne, a photoalbum, a few books, but Petunia said that was stupid. She wanted to leave a phone charger, though, so I guess she can't talk!

This morning, we cancelled all of his perscriptions and accounts to socail media. It was really hard, and I wish you could've been there with us. We just want to get this all overwith so it doesn't drag on forever. Vernon stopped by to help. I really like that boy, Tuny does too.

Perhaps by the time you're back for Christmas, we'll have all of his stuff out. The therapist working with Tuny and I suggested we move, but I couldn't make that choice without you. I love this house, though, and I can't imagine parting with it. No one would want to buy it, anyway. It's quite a mess, to be honest, a bigger mess than it ever has been.

We miss you, so, so much! I wish you could be with us, but we can't risk it, I suppose.

Love you.


I sighed and folded the letter before placing it into my robe pocket.

"Come on, Marlene is waiting for us," I said, trying to forget about it.


This was a really short chapter, but I'm kind of excited for the next one!

The Queen is back!

Expect more: James, Marlene, Snape, and therefore, drama.




Thanks for reading, beauties!


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