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She pulls out a knife and cuts Spencer's face. You aim the gun at her and pull the trigger.

You're heart is pounding at the sound of a gun shot.

You run to them, Cat fell on the ground, and Spencer is bleeding. He's not bleeding badly but he's injured and he may need stitches.

You shot her in the shoulder but close to the heart. She's bleeding on the carpet.

You grab your phone and dial 911. You tell the dispatcher that a girl came into your home and cut Spencer with a knife, and you shot her. You made yourself known as an FBI agent. You open the door and wait until you see a paramedic come up the stairs with a stretcher.

They put her on it and ask if anyone needs any other assistance, you tell them Spencer got cut on his face. They go over to him to help him. Cat smiles at you as they take her out of the room.

A police officer arrives and asks you what happened, you tell them exactly what happened. They take the gun as evidence.

Hotch arrives, I guess they told him about the altercation.

He asks if everything is okay. You are worried about the legal action that could be taken against you, he tells you not to worry.

You're very shaken up by the events. Hotch tells you that you should should go to a hospital to make sure the baby wasn't affected.

The cops and the paramedics are gone.

Spencer only had a bandage on his face, the cut wasn't that bad.

He offered to drive you and Hotch offers to follow along for support. You tell him you're okay and he says you can take a day or so off of work because of the events that have taken place.

Hotch leaves. You and Spencer drive to the hospital and you wait to get taken back to a room with Spencer.

You sit and wait for a long time before a nurse walks in and does an ultrasound. She asks why you're here and you tell her because a stressful event has taken place and you're worried about the baby.

She shows you the screen. He's very active and she says he's completely okay and you have no need to worry.

You weren't worried at all but you needed to make sure. The nurse discharges you and you and Spencer leave.

Spencer starts crying on the way home.

"What's wrong?"

"It's her. She's always there, always fucking my life up somehow."

"Hotch said she would be charged and put in prison, this time in complete solitary so she can't communicate with anyone outside of prison," you put you hands on his arm and rub it.

Spencer calms down.

"Whatever happens, I'll always be there for you."

Spencer holds your hand and drives with the other.

"Am I crazy?" Spencer says.

"What? Why would you be crazy?"

"I always knew her. I understood her, I understood a psychopath. She brings out the dark side of me."

"I understood her too, you wanna know why? Because we're profilers. She's getting in your head. We literally went to school to know how people's minds work. We knew what to say to her, we know what she's gonna do."

You try hard to convince him these things.

You wipe his tears while he continues looking forward at the road. We pull into the apartment parking lot. You go in the apartment with him.

He rushes to the bathroom and grabs two white rags and a bowl. He puts dishwashing liquid, detergent, and water into the bowl. He runs over to the carpet where the blood stain is.

He moves the couch out of the way and dips the rag in the bowl and soaks it with water. He dabs the blood off of the carpet, it comes off easily. He gets the other rag and dab the carpet easily.

He hands you the rags and the bowl, you put the rags in the washer and the bowl in the sink.

He moves the couch back and gets up.

You stand there and watch him. He gets up and hugs you as tightly as he dares. "I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry all of this is happening. I love you," he pulls away from the hug and kisses you then leans down and kisses your stomach.

You two go and sit on the couch. He holds your hand while you put your head on his shoulder.

Spencer Reid X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now