Chapter Nine - Aelin

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Aelin shook her head as she and everybody else walked through Velaris. A coincidence. It was just a coincidence. Maybe The Walking Dead Was a book all worlds had. She used this thought to clear her raging mind and to calm her beating heart. A coincidence, she decided.

"What was that all about?" Lysandra asked her quietly. Aelin quickly shook her head.

"Nothing." She knew Lysandra didn't believe it, but she stuck with it. "Nothing. I just dropped the book." Lysandra shot her a look, but hung back and let Aelin walk alone. Her mind was racing, but she kept The Walking Dead far from her mind. Instead, she let her thoughts drift to Terrasen. She

"Feyre, darling!" Rhys's voice rang out. She looked up to see Feyre smiling at Rhys. Lorcan was looking miserable, as always, but he looked more relaxed, like Azriel. Fenrys and Cassian were grinning like madmen, and Aedion and Rhys were chuckling at something Rhys had just said.

"Cauldron help us," Mor whispered in Aelin's ear. "This world can't handle both Cassian and Fenrys."

Aelin was inclined to agree.

"It's getting late," Feyre was saying. "Anyone up for dinner?" She turned to Aelin and her group. Lysandra shrugged; Elide nodded. Manon, however, began picking at her iron nails. "I'm sure I would enjoy nothing from here."

Amren grinned, and Aelin took one small step back.

"Follow me," Amren said, and she walked away. Manon growled and stalked after her. Aelin turned to Feyre.

"What just happened?" she asked. Feyre shrugged.

"Come on," she said, waving a hand. She and Rhys led everyone to a large dining room inside the townhouse. Rhys waved a hand, and a feast appeared on the table. Aelin sat down and sniffed the food.

"It's not poisoned," Rhys said, taking a seat at the head of the table and digging in. After seeing him swallow, Aelin shrugged and followed suit.

"She's got you beat in the eating arena, Cass," Feyre said jokingly while everyone else filled in around Aelin.

"No way," Cassian said, sitting down across from Aelin and glaring at her. Aelin gave him a food-stuffed smile, and he scowled.

"Care to prove it? Or are you just a little Illyrian baby?" Feyre joked, and Aelin nearly chocked on her food at the words. Illyrian baby. She marked it down for later. Feyre turned to Aelin. "Celaena, would you mind showing Cassian just how much you've got him beat?" Aelin swallowed, then grinned at the High Lady.

"Of course," she said. Cassian and Aelin glared at each other, and Feyre said, "Whoever finishes their piece of chicken first wins. Three, two, one... go!"

Aelin began shoveling food into her mouth. Everyone else at the table was watching intently.

"Five coins that Celaena wins," Rhys said.

"Ten that Cassian does," Azriel shot back.

"No way," Mor said. "Celaena for sure."

The betting went around the table, and in the end, Rhys, Aedion, Lysandra, and Feyre had said Aelin would win, whereas Azriel, Mor, Fenrys, and Lorcan had said Cassian would win. Elain and Elide had opted to sit out on the betting.

"Yes!" Feyre cheered as Aelin shoved the last piece of chicken down her throat. Aelin chewed and swallowed, then smiled at Cassian. The Illyrian warrior across from her merely glared.

Aelin turned to Fenrys as he, Azriel, Mor, and Lorcan were paying the others. "I understand Lorcan not having any faith in me, Fen, but you? I feel insulted."

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