Chapter 1

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Aaron (voice-over): It's been 14 years since the Omega Metro attacked. We've been attacked by them at the HQ. I just hope Mom and Dad are ok... Ruby has been worried sick, and I don't think Aunt Roxy is...helping with her anxiety. We'll try to regroup with the others... we just need more time..."

Camp SplatAce, Excavation Site 8, Splatlands

A New Region Awaits!

July 15th, 14035


It was on the night of July 15th, 14035. All SplatAce Agents, their leader Orange, who is commanded by Roxy, were all camping out in the middle of nowhere. While everyone was near the campfire, Roxy is preparing the tents for them to sleep for the night.

Aaron walks out of the bigger tent, holding his head as he sighs. "Got such a headache...," he said. He walks on over to Roxy and gets on his knees. "Need help, Aunt Roxy?" "No, no. It's fine," said Roxy as she attempts on putting another tent but struggles with it. "Go be with your sister and comfort her." "Ruby's asleep... here," said Aaron as he takes ahold of a steak and puts it to the ground, slamming a rock against it and nailing it in the ground.

At first, Roxy didn't want to say thank you but since her brother, Chris, wanted to see a happy child when they are reunited, she goes on and says, "Thanks, Aaron."

Aaron keeps a straight face before giving her a small smile. "Dad did always say you were a big softie deep down...," he said. "I see what he means now." "I'm never that soft! Never!" anger Roxy. However, that didn't take long for a tear to appear in her eye. "...Aunt Roxy? ...Are you ok?" said Aaron. He goes and hugs Roxy while his tentacles go limp.

Roxy wanted to ignore him but since Aaron wants to comfort her, she decides to play along. "Well...," she said as she looks to the side. "...Worried about Chris? ...I'm sure he's fine...," said Aaron as he gives a smile. "How would you know? Anything could've happened within these last 14 years ago. All this time we could've gone and rescued him and your mother. But all we did was wander. Up to here...whatever here is," said Roxy. "I just know... ok? Trust me... I feel like dad has a plan... or rather... the part that is trapped under that sanitized form...," said Aaron.

"Who knows what they have been up to all this time. But nothing we can do at the moment. As our main objective right now is to find a place to stay," said Roxy as she looks around. "Hopefully, there is life here." "Well... even if there isn't... at least we still have everyone, right?" said Aaron. "Everyone who works for SplatAce, yes. But we're missing a lot of more," said Roxy. "I suppose...," said Aaron as he shakes his head. "Let's get back to the other." "I need to finish up setting things up," said Roxy. "In the meantime, go and cook up some ramen for the others. The stuff is in our tent."

Aaron nods and walks to the tent, grabbing packets of ramen. Meanwhile, Ruby slowly starts to wake up. "Hm? Hey, sis!" said Aaron. "Oh, hey bro! Is it morning time already?" the hybrid asks. She sits up and yawns, rubbing her left eye. "Nah, it's still night...," said Aaron. "I was just talking with Aunt Roxy. She's...really worried about dad." "" said Ruby. "And here I thought she didn't care about my feelings." "Eh? She's our aunt, Ruby. She may not show it very well, but she loves us," said Aaron. "Well, I want to see it happen," said Ruby. She shakes her head a little. "Anyway, what are you doing here? Did she say it is bedtime?" "I'm making ramen for everyone," said Aaron. "Ramen? Yummy. Do you need some help?" Ruby asks. "Yeah, I'm gonna need a little help," said Aaron. "Okay. What do you want me to do?" said Ruby. "I just need you to get the water and boil it in the pot," said Aaron. Ruby nods and grabs the pot and some water.

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