A-Z Damian x Marinette

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||This is A-Z Daminette! I love the Daminette ship! I hope y'all enjoy! I would love to hear feedback! I don't own Miraculous or Batman. I'm just a fan! Also check out my other story "Winx in Gotham" if you want to! Winx and Batman crossover. I update daily on that! Now back to Daminette! This is a long one! ||

A- Angel

Damian and Marinette sat on a checkered blanket in a park. The two decided to have a nice little picnic. It was a breezy, sunny day. They spent all day playing games and eating snacks at the park. Laughter filled the air and it was like music to Damian's ears.

The sun began to set, and Marinette looked at Damian. "I had fun with you today Dami! Thanks for letting me get away for a bit!" He blushed as she moved her hand onto his. He stared out looking as parents gathered their kids to go home for dinner. He responded by saying "No problem my Angel."

B- Baking

They were in the kitchen covered in flour, and there was frosting everywhere. Jason was still chasing Tim around with frosting on his hands, and Dick was being attacked by Damian, after setting him off.

Marinette could only stare. How did this happen? Well it all started with one question. "Do you guys want to bake with me?"

C- Challenge

"Come on Pixie Pop! I'm so much bigger than you." Jason teased. All Marinette did was shrug "I still think I could beat you if I wanted to." Dick and Tim were watching while Damian was glaring at Jason, but he paid it no mind.

Jason smirked at the bluenette "Care to test your theory Little Lady?" Marinette gave him an innocent smile. "I'm up for a challenge!" The ex-assassin recognized that look. It was the look she gave before she got something her way. Jason was in for a treat!

D- Death

Chat had Marinette in a choke hold. This is what happens when you accidentally expose your identity to someone that was a lunatic, and had a crush on you. The Bat Family was trying to find the best way to get her out. They approached the boy in the black leather suit slowly, but stopped when he whispered a "Cataclysm" Then he began. "Bugaboo has caused me much pain during these past few years. She was hanging out with a bunch of birds instead of her kitty. Well if I can't have her no one will!"

Robin stared in horror as Chat pressed his hand with dark energy to the girl's chest. The whole family watched as she crumbled into dust. The boy with an R on his suit ran to try and grab some of the dust, but the wind blew it away. It blew the only part left of Marinette away! "No!" He whispered. Then began to shout. "No! NO!" His hand punched the roof they were on. His family quickly took action as they grabbed Chat Noir. Only to see him wearing a sick smile like he had won something.

The years passed on, and Damian was never the same. The only girl he had ever loved was gone. All because of a cat in leather.

E- Eavesdropping

That morning Dick had heard Damian complain about not knowing if Marinette liked him. He loved that his little brother was finally getting feelings, but he was tired of it so he resorted to the last thing he could. Eavesdropping.

When people weren't paying attention he crept up to Marinette's room and pressed his ear to the door. Hearing someone else's voice it was easy to put together as she was talking to her friends. Someone talked sounded like Chloe. "So what's up with you and Damian?" Dick heard a squeak. "Nothing he and I are just friends!" "Friends huh? Yeah I don't buy it Maribug!" "Okay okay I have a crush on him, BUT he can't find out! I don't know if he likes me that way!" Dick took his ear off the door happy with the new information he got. "Looks like someone is going to get the best brother award." whispering and smiling to himself.

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