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Pythor stole Electro-Cobrai eels from the aquarium and used to power the Overlord and nindroids.

Darkness ordered them to take as many computers as they could and move them to the Lost City of Ouroboros. The lower level had enough electronics to rival Cyrus Borge's office. She reset the security cameras so we could see what was going on inside the city and keep on eye out for the ninja. But no one else knew they were on or that we were the only ones who could see the feed.

When Overlord woke up, he was confused and furious, "how dare the ninja turn me offline! I need the Golden Ninja in order to become flesh again! I need out of this digital prison!"

"You'll get your hands on him in time, but Ninjago is vast, the Golden Ninja could be anywhere." Pythor says

"Not to mention the fact that the ninja have the only weapons that could erase you."

Overlord's eyes shift to Darkness on the screen, "who is this, Darkness?!" He demands

"The one who has rebooted your system. He is here to help us."

Overlord still looks skeptical, but turns back to Pythor, expression harsh.

Pythor uses the eels to power up the machines controlling Wu, "the old man knows everything about the ninja: all their secrets, all their hideouts. He will find them in no time."

And with that, Darkness sends Wu out with Pythor and a group of nindroids to patrol for the ninja.

We wait for a few hours before we get any word back. Darkness has the nindroids continue to setup the new office and getting everything powered up with the Electro-Corbai, when the screen lights up and shows the live feed coming from Cryptor.

They were still inside the jet they took off in, but they were still able to spy down below.

Jay, Kai, Cole and Jay's dad ware searching through the junkyard, looking for something. The others weren't around, so I'm assuming they're inside Ed and Edna's RV.

"Dammit, they found them!"

"Did you really think they wouldn't, sweetheart?"

I ignore that and continue to watch the feed.

Eventually they all go inside the RV and they use that as an opportunity to land the jet in the middle of the junk piles.

"Ugh! What a disgusting place to live. I'm not even surprised that this is where the blue one grew up!" Darkness's voice was ridiculing and I wasn't having it at all.

I scoff, completely offended and disgusted with her, "Jay may have grown up in the dump, but that's doesn't make him garbage!" I shout at her in my head.

She simply laughs at me.

Uncle Wu gets off the jet and starts finding the nindroids still offline, around the dump. The ninja probably took them to do some experiments because let's be honest, Nya, Jay and Zane are super nerds when it comes to anything electronic.

Wu uses the eels he brought with him to power them up again. Wu and Pythor, now have an army of 12 with them and they waste no time and immediately start taking control of the different vehicles around the junkyard. Different trucks and cranes. One with an enormous magnet on the end.

The nindroid powers it up and moves the magnet over the RV, lifting it in the air.

"Well, now the ninja know they're there."

"Yeah, took 'me a while. didn't it?"

The door of the RV swings open and Kai and Ed appear in the doorway. They're talking, but we can't hear them. Probably because of all the extra feed the speakers are picking up due to the machines. Not to mention the fact that there's quite a distance between them.

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