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It's no secret that beck and jade fight, in fact they fight a lot more often than they should, but every little argument, fight and bickering they had always ended quickly with them kissing to make up but this time was different from all the rest

They had both been sitting in his RV watching some bad action movie beck had picked when there was a knock on his door. He quickly moved jade off of him so he could go open it, when he opened it he saw his neighbor ally (the cheerleader) holding her dog sparkles

"Hi beck! Can you watch sparkles for me again I have to go with my parents to pick up my brother." She asked with a smile

Before beck could respond and say yes, jade appeared behind him in the doorway

"Why are you and that thing here" jade scowled

Ally's smiled quickly faltered, she wasn't expecting jade to be so angry since jade had been so nice the last time she saw her

"I-i was just wondering if beck could watch sparkles for a bit while I get my brother Austin from hockey practice" She stammered nervously

" well he can't so bye!" Jade yelled as she slammed the door on ally and sparkles

Jade has obviously scared ally a lot and she wasn't used to jades bitter attitude towards girls, or just people in general that talked to beck because out side of his door he could hear ally crying. He quickly opened the door to see if he could apologize for jades behaviour and help with sparkles but it was too late. Ally had already run all the way back to her house across the street with the dog

"Jade!" Beck exclaimed as soon as he had shut his door

"What?" Jade Asked all innocently as she sat back down on the couch and turned the movie back on. Of course she thought nothing was wrong, she was just doing her job as a good girlfriend

"Why would you do that?" He asked as he kept looking at her trying to make eye contact, which she wouldn't make

"Do what?" She asked still watching the movie

"Do what? You just made a nine year old cry. She did nothing wrong!" He yelled going over to find the remote to turn off the movie so she would finally look at him

" she was bothering us! And it's not my fault she's so sensitive." She replied still oddly calm

"She wasn't bothering us! She was asking me to watch her dog for like 15 minutes, and it doesn't give you the right to yell at her like that" he yelled after he found the remote to switch it off

"If I hadn't sent her off she would still be here talking to you" she said as she stood up and started yelling back at him

"No she wouldn't, she was just dropping her off and then leaving right away to find her brother! Didn't you listen?"

"No, all I heard was: oh hi beck watch my dog, let's hang out, let's be best friends, let me invade your personal time with your girlfriend" she said using her tori mocking voice

They continued yelling and arguing for another hour so it was really dark out by the time they stopped

"You know what? I give up you win I'm going to bed. Goodnight" beck said as he held up his hands to surrender before walking to the bathroom to change and brush his teeth

15 minutes later when he was done he walked to his bed to find jade already there so he simply lay down next to her like usual but this time he didn't give her a kiss or cuddle her, he just rolled over to his side and fell asleep very quickly

Jade on the other hand kept couldn't sleep so she kept tossing and turning, worrying about their fight which was not something she would usually do because normally they would resolve all their fights before they went to sleep. This was the first time they went to bed angry and it was driving her nuts.

Her head started to fill with thoughts and worries: what if ally had told her parents, what if her parents got mad at beck, that would make beck even madder than before, what if he woke up and decided to stay angry all day, what if beck didn't forgive her, what if they broke up, what if this fight ruined their whole relationship, what if he didn't love her anymore, maybe she should've just let the dog stay cause then they wouldn't have fought, maybe she shouldn't have yelled at her like that, maybe she should go apologize to ally. No that's too far jade west doesn't apologize to strangers plus it's almost midnight and no one would be happy if they got woken up in the middle of the night to a stranger at their door, maybe she should just apologize to beck

After a lot more thinking she checked the time on her phone since there's no clocks in the RV cause she hates clocks and beck learned the hard way, Every clock he had either got cut up or smashed with a hammer. 2:17 AM. She decided that if she wanted any sleep that night she would just have to apoplogize.

" beck" she whispered as she started poking his shoulder a bit. Nothing. Usually he was a pretty light sleeper but all the fighting must have tired him out

"Beck, wake up I need to talk to you it's important" she said at full volume as she shook his shoulder violently

"Wha? What's going on" beck asked very groggily

"I said I need to talk to you it's important" she said whispering again

"You're not pregnant are you?" He asked alarmed. I mean why else would his girlfriend wake him in the middle of the night

"What, no?! She exclaimed

"Oh good, then what is it?" He said relieved Turing on his lamp so he could see her and then sitting up on his elbows

"I just wanted to say I'm sorry and I want to know if you still love me" She asked quietly looking down at her lap

"What kind of question is that, of course I still love you. Why are you even asking he said sitting up fully to face her

"Cause you were really mad at me and we always make up before bed but we didn't this time and we went to bed angry and I thought you would be really mad when you woke up and then you'd break up with me and hate me forever" she said rambling on and on

He hated seeing her ramble because he knew that meant she was worried or anxious so he quickly shut her up with a kiss

"I'll always love you. I just wanted thought to learn your lesson that it's not ok to yell at and frighten innocent children" he said smiling at her

"Now can we please go back to sleep because we have Sikowitz first period and he tires me out" he asked as he turned out his lamp

"Sure" she replied lying back down

"Come here" he said in the darkness as he scooted closer to her so he could hold her

"I love you" he said as he kissed the side her head

"I love you too" she said smiling

Well wasn't that fun. Here's the first one, I hope you enjoyed it! I have oneshots planned for the next five letters. This one was inspired by the episode of adulting like a mother father where Liz said that when she and her boyfriend fight she wins the fight but he wins in the long run because he sleeps but she stays awake. Tell me your thoughts and any suggestions for other letters!

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