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It was their senior year and beck and jade had been living together for 3 months. It was a Saturday after noon in March and they were both sitting on his couch on their laptops

"Hey babe?" Beck asked as he looked up from the screen to look at her


"I think we should get a dog" he replied

"How are you going to take care of a dog when you couldn't even take care of a fish" she pointed out as she looked over at where the fish tank used to be

"Just like a little one, not a Rottweiler"

"No, if we're getting a pet then let's get a cat. Look at this one, they're so much better" she said Turing around her laptop so he could see the screen. On the screen was a little black cat with splotches of white

"That looks like a reverse cow" he said after looking at it for a while

"A reverse cow would still be better than a dog" she said with an annoyed tone

"It's my RV so I get to choose the pet" he argued

"We live together, so it's OUR RV" she argued back

"Let's go to the dog shelter tomorrow then we can choose a dog!"

"I still want a cat" she yelled
The next day they were still arguing about it

"I told you it may be your RV too but it's parked on my parents drive way so it's more mine than yours" beck said as they walked through the doors and towards Tori's locker where the rest of the gang was

"What are y'all buggin about today" Andre Asked while they stormed over

"Here let's ask them" beck suggested "me and jade are trying to choose a pet she wants a cat but I want a dog and it's my RV so shouldn't I be allowed to choose the pet"

"Theoretically yes... but also no?" Andre replied trying to find the right words to not piss either of them off

"Fine then, what do you think we should get" jade asked everyone

"I think you should get a large iguana" Sinjin said as he stood way to close to jade

Everyone turned to look at him

"What? They make good pets" he answered as he floated away

"So anyways what should we get?" Beck asked everyone again

"Dog" Andre answered
"Cat" Robbie said
"Whaty" cat responded
"Just say whether we should get a cat or a dog" jade yelled
"A cat" she giggled
"Ok, Vega?" Jade Asked
"Sorry beck but I'm with jade on this one"
"See they all think I'm right so can we just get a cat already or go look or something"
"Fine we can go to the cat shelter after school today"
"Yay, everyone's happy now let's go to class!" Cat said as she skipped off towards Sikowitzs room while all the others trudged along behind her
"So what are we looking for?"  Beck asked jade while they were in the car after school

"A black cat"
"Any specific type?"
"Just a black cat is that so hard to understand"
"Alright I'm sorry"
"You better be"

When they walked in the room exploded with meows and other various cat noises. They walked around looking at all of them in the different rooms for a while before they got to the second to last room where there was a small black and white tuxedo cat sitting in the corner fighting with a ginger cat

"I want that one" jade said pointing to it

"Woah jade, we never agreed we'd get one today"

"But I want him" was all she said before walking over and picking him up to show beck

"Jade we don't have anything he needs so we need to go to the pet store but we also need to cat proof the RV before he can g-"

"Please" she cut him off giving him one of her pout faces while bringing the cat close to her face so they were both side by side staring at him

"Fine Fine" he said as he walked to the front desk to talk about adopting him

While beck did that jade sat on the floor with the cat who's name for now was dusty. So far jade had seen dusty get in three fights with different cats he shared the room with so he was definitely feisty like jade but then after he fought with the last cat he curled up on jades arm and became all sweet and soft a little like beck

"Ok he's three and we can adopt him right now" beck announced as he walked back into the room to find jade lying on the floor with dusty curled up next to her

"Good. You hear that dusty you're ours now and the first thing I'll do is get you a better name because who would name a cat dusty" she said as she got up off the ground and picked up dusty to take him with her
"What are we naming him? Something like midnight?" Beck asked while he looked over at jade who was holding Dusty's crate

"No that's a stupid name and it's predictable. We should name him sirus" she said after a minute

"Yes its a good name"
"Fine the cats name is sirus, we should stop at the pet store now cause sirus Is gonna need some stuff. Well just get the basics and then we can go tomorrow to get everything else"
"Ok lets go"

After they got home from the shelter and pet store with sirus they set up his bed, food, water, and litter box in the empty space in the RV before going to bed

While they were both laying in bed they heard a meow and then something landed on the bed between them and curled up into a ball to sleep

The bed was just big enough to fit the three of them

The next ones gonna be a fun one

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