A Small Kind.....ness

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The woman approached the room and soon stood in front of the leaders of the magical beings.

"We do not normally ask a human for help, but under the circumstances, you are a special case." A delegate from England said.

"Because I've known about you all since I was a small girl?" The woman responded very bluntly with a smile.

"Yes. We believe that you can help provide something our Haven's can not." Responded a representative from Namibia with a chuckle.

"What is that?" She asked.

"A home for the smaller of ones of our kind. Altogether they do not take up much space but are too small to be placed in a Haven." A woman from India remarked.

The woman, full of adventure, was excited at the prospect. She may have been getting older to do some things but providing kindness did not have an age limit.

It was decided and preparations began to turn her backyard into a Haven for all the magical being's small folk.

Those with the Green Touch were brought in to foster the growth of trees that would provide a canopy of protection from any prying eyes. A pond was dug and given a waterfall and river.

Not very a very large river, looking more like a babbling brook.

White Christmas lights were hung about the trees so even at night the place would glow.

Homes were placed throughout, useful tools, anything they might need.

All looking like the play toys of a small child.

The residents moved in.

Pixies, Ant Riders, Hobgoblins, House Elves, Gnomes no bigger than a squirrel, and others came into the Haven.

Soon the trees, the ground, and the brook were occupied as the residents began to build a home. A life, a world all their own.

To any other, they might be called a nuisance. Or stepped on without regard, but the woman loved them.

Careful with every movement through their world. She sat on a swing as some cleaned their homes, others gardened, and some of the children played at her feet.

For all her adventures this was by far her favorite. She often spent time there or getting treats from the world outside the Haven for any who asked.

It had been a few years. The gardens prospered, the homes were well-lived. A well-orchestrated schedule came over the place of work, school, trade, and play.

They found a world, a home, and a community.

All content to watch the woman who protected them and gave them a sense of value.

To her, it was a small thing, providing a safe space for them to exist, but to them,

she provided their whole world.

Never judge how much your contribution affects someone else.

It may be small to you but to them, it may mean the world.

A Small Kind.....nessWhere stories live. Discover now