A Small Kindness Brings a Big Change

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The woman and the man worked hard in their garden hothouse. Replotting plants, getting saplings ready for planting and watering all of their products for the second part of the day. Their children helped alongside them. One was like any other typical human, but the other was not typical by any means.

The couple had found their second child at their doorstep as a baby and would not have seen the tiny girl or known she was there except for her cries. As a baby, she was barely a human's thumb length, now at the age of twenty-one, she stood roughly seven inches tall.

Neither she nor her family knew why she was so small, but she embraced it. Using her inventive mind and mathematical skills to help her in living in the big world around her. And her brother got her any supplies she wanted and probably more than she needed.

It didn't bother her, not really. Working for her parent's company with her brother gave her a lot to do, but sometimes she wished she could be around other people. Not that her parents and brother were not enough, but it would be nice to be around someone her size.

"Clover! Clover? I need your help." Daniel called to me.

"What do you need now?" I asked my older brother.

"I need you to plant the seeds in the new batch of soil while I move the saplings to the truck. What were you thinking about anyway?"

"Nothing in particular," I replied as I maneuvered the shop to reach the soil ready for planting.

My mother brought out lemonade in a cup for my brother and the closest thing we had to a cup for me: a thimble.

"Thank you!" I smiled up at her, enjoying the cold liquid after working in the heat.

"Did you finish loading the truck?" My mother asked Daniel.

"Yep, I'm ready to go when you are!" He said putting down his glass and taking the last sapling with him.

"Your dad will be back in a few from the McDonland job. Your brother and I will go and be back as soon as possible. Remember,"

"I know, stay out of sight. Let the people come for their pickups. Don't be seen, and don't talk to anyone above my height. I'll be fine mom. I promise. This isn't the first time you have left me alone."

"I just worry about you." My mother said giving me as close to a hug as she could.

"I love you too!" I replied smiling at the real reason for her worry.

"I love you. Be safe." She walked to the door. Hesitating and turning around to look at me before she officially left.

I heard the truck start and rumble away as I grabbed the remote to listen and sing to the music while I worked.

A few people came in as I planted more seeds. They picked up their flower orders and left the money in the dropbox.

They didn't see me or hear my voice over the music. No one paid attention to smalls things. I had learned that long ago.

I sang and danced as I worked, enjoying the music until it was turned down, not of my own doing.

"Hello? Is anyone here?" The older woman asked.

I stayed hidden in the flowers, quiet and uncertain of what to do next.

The woman looked around, saying, "I heard you singing. You have a lovely voice. Most wouldn't hear it over the voice on the radio, but I would. I am used to listening for small voices and watching out for small things that others would overlook. I suspected your family had a secret, perhaps a magical being or creature in their care. I was not expecting you. What is your name?"

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