Prologue (Part II)

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~3rd person POV~

Everyone was looking at Mic who was watching Dylan cry his eyes out with a sadden look on his face which concerned Eraserhead.

Endeavour: What are you talking about you blonde idiot?!?!?!?!

Present Mic: Has anyone here heard the stories of the Power Rangers before?

All Might, Eraserhead and Detective Tsukauchi all raised their hands having been told the stories of the old heroes before the time of Quirks as children, while Endeavour was majorly confused by what was going on.

Present Mic: Well I think those three things on the table in there are Morpher's used by power rangers

Eraserhead, All Might and Detective Tsukauchi were surprised by what Mic thought as Endeavour shook it off as a stupid idea of a moron.

Detective Tsukauchi: Well there is only one way to find out and that is if I ask him (On speaker to the room) Sorry young man can I ask you a question?

Dylan looked at the window not seeing anyone but he knew they were there so he nodded his head signalling tat it was alright.

Detective Tsukauchi: Are those three items on the table Power Ranger Morpher's?

Everyone could see the look of shock in Dylan's eyes which he quickly hid before answering the question with a no making the detective go quiet.

Detective Tsukauchi: He lied

Present Mic: That means that they are Morpher's

Eraserhead: But why would a kid have one?


Detective Tsukauchi: It says in his file that he can summon keys and that is it

Everyone thought about it till Present Mic left the room much to the confusion of everyone else till they saw him enter the room Dylan was in.

~Present Mic's POV~

I left Eraser and the others and went into the room where the little listener we found was sitting and sat in front of him gaining his attention.

Present Mic: My name is Hizashi Yamada also know as Pro hero; Present Mic. I have a few questions to ask you if that is alright?

The little listener said nothing, which wasn't surprising since he just found out he lost his parents and is now all alone, but he was able to give me a nod.

Present Mic: Alright first off do you know of the old stories of the power rangers?

Dylan: Yes my parents told me them all the time

Present Mic: Good, good and now can you tell me a bit more about your quirk it says you can summon key?

Dylan: Yes not much is known about my quirk so I can't tell you a lot about it

Present Mic: Okay so are the keys shaped like normal keys or......Figurines?

The little listener didn't say anything but the look on his face said it all since he looked shocked and scared by what I had said.

Present Mic: I'll take your silence and shocked look as a yes to the looking like figurines question, so that means these three devices in front of us are the Pink Mystic Force Ranger Morpher, S.P.D. Ranger Morpher and finally the one right in front of you is the Silver Megaforce Ranger Morpher right?

The little listener didn't say anything all he did was look down at the Morpher in front of him and it looked like he was thinking about something before sighing.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2020 ⏰

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