••¤ 𝑪𝒂𝒔𝒔𝒊𝒐𝒑𝒆𝒊𝒂 𝑩𝒍𝒂𝒄𝒌 ¤••

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Name. Cassiopeia Black

Nicknames. Cassie, Cass

Face claim. Cara Delevingne

Gender & pronouns. Female & she/her

Sexuality. Bisexual

Age & year. 14 & 4th year

Date of birth. 28th of July 1980

Star sign. Leo

Nationality. British

Blood status. Pure blood

Hogwarts house. Gryffindor

Wand. Elm wood with a Phoenix feather core, 14 1/2" and quite bendy flexibility.

Personality. Cassie is a sarcastic little shit. She's an emo and if you can't find her it's very likely she's hiding in a corner somewhere with her headphones and portable cd player blasting MCR until her ears start to ring. She inherited her drama queen nature from her father, Sirius Black, and is always over the top about everything. Cassie is a control freak and must always be in charge or else everything falls to shit. She loves her father and her Uncle Remus with all her heart and if anyone dared say something against them she'd hex them into oblivion.

Back story. Her mother Marlene was a strong willed feminist and one of the kindest people you will ever meet. Tragically, she died the year after Cassie was born. Death eaters wiped out the whole McKinnon family and, with Sirius in Azkaban, Cassie was taken in by Remus Lupin.
She had a happy childhood, for someone who had known such loss. Remus always made sure that if she was going to grow up in this war-torn world, he would be there by her side to protect and cheer her up. Cassie knew it was a struggle because they were such a poor little family, so the moment she turned 14 she went to Diagon Alley in search of a job. She had been turned away by a few shops when she came across Florean Fortescue in a bit of a state. He told her his best waitress had just handed in her notice, and he had no one to replace her. Cassie almost jumped for joy. She loved ice cream! Serving ice cream all day would be a dream come true! She told him she'd take over right away, and that was that. It was a good job, and Florean was a kind boss, but two people couldn't survive comfortably on the minimum wage. They were about to give up hope when Albus Dumbledore knocked the door to their small London flat. He said he would take Remus on with good pay, certainly enough to keep them afloat, and he could be Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher at Hogwarts.
Though initially trepidatious, Remus accepted (partly due to the shining look on Cassie's face) and now they see each other all year round rather than having to be apart most of the year.
When Sirius escaped Azkaban, they managed to sneak him into their home disguised as Padfoot and he lives there with them until they all go up to Scotland for school and he stays in a mountain cave. Cassie visits her father on Hogsmeade weekends to bring him food and have a catch up.

Best subject. Defence Against the Dark Arts (Divination is a close second because she managed to bullshit her way into an Outstanding grade which she's proud of)

Worst subject. Herbology

Likes. Going to gigs, motorbikes, singing her heart out on stage, eyeliner, tea, coffee, ice cream, more eyeliner, Marvel, Star Wars, Red Dwarf, EYELINER

Dislikes. Not going to gigs, sore throats, DC, Star Trek, rice pudding

Favourite bands. My Chemical Romance, Fall Out Boy, Panic! At The Disco, Green Day, Nirvana and Blink-182

Music idol. Gerard Way

Favourite Music genres. Emo/Punk rock/Pop punk

Singer, musician or both? Both. She sings and plays electric guitar.

Set list.
-Welcome to the Black Parade by My Chemical Romance
-American idiot by Green Day
-I write sins not tragedies by Panic! At The Disco
-I'm not okay (I promise) by MCR
-Teenagers by MCR
-This ain't a scene, it's an arms race by Fall Out Boy

Pet. An owl named Iero.

Amortentia. The first gig she went to, her MCR tour t-shirt, Mega chocolate explosion ice cream, treacle tart and Harry's Quidditch kit.

Boggart. Remus being taken away from her and not being able to do anything about it.

Best friend. Harry Potter

Friends. Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Lee Jordan, Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Ginny Weasley, Dean Thomas, Seamus Finnegan and Oliver Wood.

Frenemies. Draco Malfoy (they're cousins), Parvati Patil and Lavender Brown.

Enemies. Cho Chang and Marietta Edgecombe.

Love interest. Harry Potter.

Love interest dynamic. Listening to music together, she watches him play Quidditch then they run off to somewhere secluded and make out, he watches her perform then when she comes off stage he's waiting for her, talking by the fire in the common room until the morning, lying on the grass with their feet in the black lake listening to music

Style. Black ripped skinny jeans, winged eyeliner, band merch, doc martens, black converse, leather jackets, red paisley bandana headband

Stereotype. Emo

Quotes. "That's a good idea, except no. It's not. Fuck that. Let's do my plan."

"I have no emotions, I sold my soul to Gerard Way."

"You cannot expect me to wait around forever. Make up your mind. So which is it? Her or me? Her... or me?"

"Now I'm crying. Fucking worst day to forget waterproof eyeliner."

"I dyed my hair. Red, see? It's because I like blood."

"Death is a fucking pain in the arse and anyone who says otherwise is lying."

Aesthetic. Emo/grunge

Extra. -Remus taught her how to swear
-Her duelling skills are famous at Hogwarts
-She likes to dye her hair at random moments to keep people guessing
-She has been best friends with Harry since first year
-She realised she was in love with him at the start of third year when he came back to school all gorgeous then he hugged her and she was like oh shit
-She acts the same as she always has around him because nothing really changed between them
-My Chemical Romance are her life and she doesn't know where she'd be without them


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