Chapter 1 - Left Untouched

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Breaking News:
2 More bodies were found in the marsh last night, both with the same wire keeping them in place as previous victims we have been finding since last Autumn.

The local police department has announced that we have an official serial killer case and are bringing more experienced officers from London down to help with the case.

As for now, Prime Minister Casey Lin has advised that the resents of small-town Blue Water Springs stay inside and only go out in the day as the killer has shown no preference as to whom they target.
Onto other-'

I sighed deeply and placed the remote back onto the coffee table in front of me.

I knew all the dangers of going out at night,
Of course, I did.

And usually, I wouldn't dream of going out this late but I knew that if I didn't get my tablets today then the cycle would start all over again.

So with a shaky breath, I stood with my purse, stumbled to the door and pushed myself out and into the cool nighttime air.


Goosebumps had begun to rise on my skin as I walk home through the park.

I had made it to the surgery just before it closed and now had just enough pills to keep me satisfied for the next few weeks.

The rustle in the trees no longer scared me as it did an hour ago, the soft breeze had a ripple effect and relaxed my whole body easily, as well as my fast breathing.

The calmness got to my head and I stupidly let my guard down, rendering my senses useless. 

I barely noticed footsteps behind me until they got uncomfortably close but by then an arm had been wrapped around my waist and I was being dragged back into one of the many alleyways around us.

My back hit the cold wall with a thud. Hands were around my wrists, keeping me pinned down.

I was certain I was going to die just then.

In just a second, a knife would be buried deep in my gut or slicing through the skin of my throat.

So I squeezed my eyes shut and awaited the blow.

I waited.
And waited.

But nothing came.

Nothing until a cold hand danced against my cheek, making me gasp and flinch away.

Realising that my eyesight would be really useful right now, I slowly peeled my eyes open, giving me a more detailed description of my soon to be killer.

I braced myself for an old, perverted man to be stood before me with a horrid mask covering his face. Or someone with an awful weapon in front of me.

What I didn't expect to see was a cute teenage boy with soft, dark curls and eyes to match keeping me hostage against a wall.

Somewhere in the back of my mind told me that this boy was dangerous, very dangerous but looking at him now, I couldn't see him hurting anything.

- until I looked into his eyes.

The blur of brown moved rapidly around my face, scanning every feature carefully.

As if making sure it was really me.

But behind the shocked look was something much darker.

It wasn't wisdom or anything like that.

It was a mix of anger and passion.
Of hate and sorrow.

And the desperate need to kill.

His hand left my cheek and instead started tracing all the freckles on my face with his fingers as if connecting them like a puzzle.

His fingers grazed against my skin ever so lightly that I could barely feel them. But they were there, joining the dots.

"What's your name?" He breathed out, his hand never stopping its trail along my skin.

"Autumn... I replied surely.

Even though I was not as scared as I thought I would be, using a fake name was the obvious way to go.

What surprised me was the breathy chuckle he let out after my statement.

"I don't like liars sweetheart. Now let's try again, what's you're name?"

I sighed, realising that there was no point in lying to him. Rose. My name’s Rose.”

He seemed satisfied with my answer and gently let go of my wrists and took a small step back, only to kick a small container to the side while doing so.

Surprisingly, it was not as scared as I thought I would be. Don’t get me wrong, I was afraid. Yes, the shake in my hand proved that for me.

I wasn’t scared enough to run without second thought though. Because so far, this boy had made no move to hurt me and by the look in his eyes, I didn’t think he was going to.

“I think you dropped these,”
I almost didn’t hear him but the next statement easily caught my attention.

“anxiety huh? Be a shame if you lost these.”

I looked up from the ground to see him staring at the label on my new lot of meds.

"Hey!" I called out, taking a step towards him.

He lifted his hands in mock surrender and held out the container for me.

"Go on, don't be scared. take them."

I took a small step forwards and reached out for the bottle, only to be pulled towards him by my outstretched wrist. 
Instead of on my skin, his rough hands made their way into my hair, softly tugging some strands and tucking it gently behind my ear.

"You don't happen to have a sister, do you? A twin perhaps?"

I shook my head with a confused look on my head but he just dismissed it with a wave of his hand.

"How strange then Rose."

he said my name unsurely as if testing it out and by the way he said it, he clearly didn't think it suited me very well.
with all the time that had passed with him playing with my hair, I didn't notice that he was gradually moving us backwards until my back was once again pressed against the icy concrete wall.    

the glimpse of need to hurt I had noticed earlier was now the only thing I could see when I looked up into his eyes.  however, the intensity was so strong that I couldn't hold his gaze for long and was forced to look down. 

"Do you know who I am Rose?"

I did.
I knew from the second I first looked into his eyes.


"Then you know what I can do."


"So what's stopping you from running?"

"You won't hurt me."

He looked taken back by my statement but smiled non the less.

"You sure about that?"


He gently took ahold of my arms and pulled me close to him yet again.

"You seem awfully sure of yourself Rosie."  He whispered in my ear, sending a shiver down my spine.

"Now go home." He said, softly pushing me away.

"Wait you're letting me go?"




I went to leave but he grabbed my wrist yet again, stopping me.

"I'll see you soon Rosebud."

Rosebud huh? that's new.

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