Chapter 2- homicidal teenager

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Monday. One of the most detestable times of the week. Even more so for me because despite still being at school, I work at a hardware store 4-8, 6 days a week. And to make things worse, the stores a 30-minute walk from my school so that means I have to practically jog there or I'll be late.

It's an okay job, to be honest, I'm always on checkout so all I have to do is sit there and make small talk while I can. And daydream. I do a lot of daydreaming.
For instance, right now I'm sitting at the counter, thinking about dark hair and eyes to match. I'm thinking about cold hands wrapped around my wrists, I'm thinking about the homicidal teenager standing in front of me.

"Hia Rosie," he said with a small wave.

"Think you could help me out?"

I couldn't move.
I couldn't speak.
I just sat there gawking at him.

"What's the matter, Rose? Cat got your tongue?" he snickered at his dull joke and quickly stepped around the counter and grabbed my wrist, pulling me up and out of my seat.

"I- uh um wh- what are you- what are you doing here?"

He chuckled lightly at my poor attempt to get words out.

"Well my dear Rose, this is a hardware store so I'm here to pick up some uh... hardware," he stated, pulling me towards the tape section.

"But- but I'm not supposed to leave the counter."

He ignored my comment and just continued to drag me.

"Are there like testers? For rope and tape and stuff."

"Testers? uh no, I don't- I don't think so."

"Would you stop your stuttering? What happened to brave little Rosebud I met in the park huh?"

And that's when he stopped in front of all the cable ties and wire.
He bent down, my wrist still in his hand and started looking at prices.

"Can look at these? Like out of the box."

"I- um sure."

Ok, Rose, you need to get a grip of yourself now.
Yes, there's a serial killer in front of you.
The same one that's on the news and has killed 13 people.
But he hasn't done anything to you yet.
And it doesn't seem like he's going to.
So chill THE FUCK out.

"Hey, Rose?"

"Um yeah?"

"Mind grabbing me a basket?"

I nodded and headed towards the exit, planning to make a run for it.

"Oh and no running off. You know what I can do to these people Rosie, don't let it be your fault"

Well, there goes that plan. So instead of making a great escape, I trotted towards the baskets and grabbed one for my serial killer customer.

"There's a good girl. Thank you." He cooed, taking the basket from me.
He looked at me one more time, then began to fill it up with a verity of ties and tape.

"Do you have these in any other colours?" He said all of a sudden, holding up a pack of white cable ties.


"Yeah. Whites boring, stains to easy"

"Uh, we might have a multi-coloured pack somewhere. You'll have to keep looking.

And he did. For about 30 more minutes. And by the time he was done he had about £100 worth of things that could only be used to bind someone tightly to something. And that scared me immensely. Because it was obvious that he was going to hurt someone very soon. And I was terrified that it was going to be me.

"How much then Rosie?"


He handed me his card and I couldn't help but search for his name.


Daniel Green.

Such a simple name for such a messed up boy.
I handed it back and to my disgust, his cold fingers brushed against mine before crawling up my arm and clasping my wrist once again. He held it tight and pulled me towards him, forcing me to lean across the counter to meet his request. By now, our noses were almost touching and I could feel his warm exhale caress my lips.

"This isn't what I meant when I said I'd see you again Rosie."

He sighed softly and looked into my auburn eyes,

"But what a delight it has been."


The walk home was awful and by the time I had sat down and turned on the news, I was completely drained. All I could think about was that stupid boy and his eyes.
I was sure he was planning to kill me, so why not just do it already.
But as I focused my attention back to the screen it seemed like he already had.

For there on the screen, was a body.
A body covered in Rose petals and thorns jammed into the wounds.
Its hands were tied with red plastic,

And it looked exactly like me.

don't really like this but it was finished so you know... might go back and edit it later on

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2020 ⏰

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