Chapter Two

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Evil-hearted Tiberius. A man of five and fifty twelvemonths, he was a grey-haired and black-eyed individual with the body of a soldier, for that is what he had been. His attire consisted of a white tunic, a laurel crown and sandals. The moment he entered the garden an air of danger fell upon the place.

All eyes fell upon Tiberius and immediately everyone present in the garden rolled their eyes. Tiberius was Augustus' heir because he was the most qualified for the position of First Citizen but that did not mean anyone had to like him. He was always abrupt and never had a kind word to say about anybody.

"What is that you are reading, Romulus?" inquired Tiberius. Romulus did not answer he merely continued to read while ignoring Tiberius. "I said what is that you are reading!" Again Romulus ignored Tiberius. He was not going to give Tiberius the opportunity to insult him. Being denied an answer, Tiberius immediately tore the scroll from Romulus' grip and upon finding out it was the Iliad, Tiberius tore it in two and shouted: "You Greek loving traitor! When I am First Citizen I will rip your throat out!"

Romulus' response was a calm: "So let it be written."

Tiberius scowled and left the garden, unhappy with his failed attempt to cow Romulus. Augustus could only shake his head and say: "Tiberius is only a placeholder until Germanicus is old enough, Romulus. Pay him no mind."

"Old enough?" asked Romulus, incredulously at what he had just heard. "He is nine and twenty, how much older does he need to be?"

Augustus placed a hand on his chin for a moment before saying: "Well, I was named First Citizen at six and thirty so that should be old enough."

"And being Tiberius' age is certainly too old." Added Livia.

"You are not mad that your son is a placeholder, step-grandmother?" asked Romulus.

"Why should I be mad? Tiberius is my son but Germanicus is my grandson by my second son and Tiberius' adoptive son. Tiberius is five and fifty. I do not know how long he will be First Citizen nor does anyone else but the gods, Romulus."

Romulus knelt down and retrieved the torn scroll of the Iliad. He did love his cousin Germanicus but he feared that Germanicus would not live to become First Citizen. To the people of Rome, Germanicus was their Alexander the Great. He had the virtuous character, the dashing physique and the military renown but there was something about Alexander that should not have been forgotten: the death at a young age. Alexander had only lived to be two and thirty and Germanicus was now nine and twenty. How much longer would Germanicus have? If he were to truly die young then who would be Tiberius' heir then? Tiberius had one natural son: Drusus Julius Caesar. The only reason that Germanicus was Tiberius' heir was because Augustus had willed it to be so.

Augustus was dying. That Romulus knew well. These were his maternal grandfather's last days. Would Tiberius keep Germanicus as his heir once Augustus had died? No, Livia wanted Germanicus to succeed Tiberius as well. He would not have gone against his mother's wishes but that only begged the question: would Tiberius arrange for an accident for his nephew so his son could succeed him?

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