Chapter 15 - Christian

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Chapter Fifteen


                "Whose house is this?"               

                I turned the truck engine off and smirked. "Mine."

                Charlie looked at me and furrowed her brows. "What?" She shook her head and said, "No, you live with your parents." 

                I got out of the truck and walked to her side and opened the door. As she climbed out of it, I said, "I did live with my parents, but I thought it was time to grow up." I looked up at my kickass little house and grinned. "The finalizations went through today. I am officially a home owner."

                "Christian, that's awesome!" Charlie beamed. "It's such a nice house, too."

                Although it wasn't very fancy, I did agree with her. It was only a one story house with two bedrooms, but it was on the outskirts of town and it had over fifty acres of land. Most of it was forest and hills, but I liked to hike so it was perfect for me. It did need some work, but I'd always wanted a house I could work on and fix up to my liking.

                "Thanks." I took her hand into mine and said, "Come look inside, I want to show you something."

                We walked into the house and I could see the amused smile creeping on her face. I rolled my eyes, and said, "Yes I know there aren't any doors on the bathroom or bedrooms – it's kind of a fixer-upper."

                "Actually," Charlie looked at me and pushed her glasses up her nose, "I was just trying to decide if you did that purposely or not." She raised her eyebrow, and asked, "Wait, that wasn't what you wanted to show me, was it?"

                I laughed. "You know, you sure are a smart-ass once you get over the stammering." Not that I minded at all. As much as I liked her when she was shy and blushing, this confidant side of her was just as captivating. Over the past couple days, I could tell she was becoming more and more comfortable around me. She talked more, spluttered less, and laughed a lot.

                "Is that such a bad thing?" she asked with smile.

                Through my life, I'd been with my fair share of women, and by that, I mean I was with someone new pretty much every week. I'm not going to lie – I had a good time with them, but our conversations were less than stimulating. They always wanted to talk about hair, finger nails and gossip, and I preferred it when they didn't talk at all – but it was so much different with Charlie. 

                She wasn't just smart, she was passionate and studious. She didn't only memorize facts like some people do, but she would think about them, and try to gain the most in-depth understanding she could. If I told her about something she didn't know, she would want to pick it apart and try to evaluate every single detail – it was the hottest thing I'd ever seen.

                If someone gave me the choice to either spend the night with a kinky sex-crazed porn star or spend it just talking with Charlie – I would pick Charlie every single time.

                "Not at all," I finally admitted. "Now come on. It's just right in here..."

                I walked over to one of the bedrooms, and she hesitated in the hallway – her eyes evaluated me with suspicion.

                "Don't look at me like that, little nerd," I said with a smirk. "I promise I won't bite."

                Charlie rolled her eyes and took the last three steps that brought her to the bedroom doorway. When she turned to look into the room, her mouth fell agape. "Wow..." was all she was able to say.

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