Yandere Gon x Reader

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You had been traveling with gon and killua ever since the exam. Things have been going well for the most part you guys defeated the ants and where able to settle down in a little house together after everything calmed down.
But you noticed some things where off with gon when you guys were traveling guys would come up to you and start asking random question about you. You didn't really like to be rude and say thing like it none of your business so you just answered there questions.

Every time that happens you saw Gon stare glares at the boy, but gon is to innocent to do anything anyway the most he would do it wine about it......that's what you thought.

Time skip 

" What do you guys wanna eat I'm so hungryyyyu" you say while flopping on the hotel bed. You guys where in a small town resting before you got to the main city for the chairman election.

" I gotta agree with y/n I'm pretty hungry ever since we got here we have not Eatin" Killua says while putting his hands behind his head and walking over to the hotel window.
" Well let's go look around the town I'm sure they have food some where" Gon said with a cheerful look on his face.
You guys departed from the hotel and walked around the small town. You had to admit it was beautiful almost like greed island. But smaller and you know not players stuck in a game for like 50 years.
" how about there" Killua says pointing to a small tavern.
" Are you sure we are allowed in there sent taverns places where you drink and smoke and stuff" gon said while giving a skeptical look of worry.
" Yah but they have good food, I'm sure they will let us in" Killua said while starting to walk to the tavern.
" Wait For Us Killua" Gon said while trying to catch up to Killua.
You guys walked into the tavern the smell of bitter beer filled your nose.
" what can I do for you guys" the waiter said while walking to the front. He had messy black hair  and blue eyes he looked around our age ( THEY ARE 18). You had to admit he was attractive.
The waiter caught your eye and winked at you. You blushed a little bit.
" Let me show you your table follow me" he said while grabbing a menu and utensils.
But what you didn't know is you weren't the only on who say that wink......
He showed you your table thenWalked away.  Killua was lookin at his phone paying no mind. You looked at Gon he had a disturbing feeling coming from him his aura was a little off but you noticed Killua kinda noticed because he kept glancing at him.
" You ok Gon" you ask while titling your head to the side a little.
" Oh Yah I'm good I just remembered I have to do something later" he said while picking up and
Looking over his menus.
You glanced at Killua and killua glanced back. His look gave an don't worry about it look. You started to get worried but brushed it off.

Time skip Backwards to gon point of view 4 months ago

I've honestly fucking had it with all these guys flirting with y/n I already killed most of them, but they won't stop coming. I already told Killua that I was killing ppl. When I told him he gave me a look.

" I knew already" he said
" I figured" I said while liking up at the ceiling in our hike that we where staying in at a short time y/n had went out to go look for something.
"Killua what is this feeling I can't shake it, is it guilt....no it's way better then guilt" I said while grabbing but shirt where my heart was.
" Gon I can't tell you how you fell but just know I am your best friend and I am with you 100 percent" Killua said while putting his hand on my shoulder.

" huh that's good to know, I think I wanna continue killing for her, but what if she finds out and hates me" I said while starting to tear up.

" then make her stay with you it as simple as that" Killua said while eating some chocolate he got from the store. I looked at him and hoped he was right in the advice he gave me.

Time skip back to present time

You guys finished eating your food and decided to go walk around the city. You still noticed Gon looked out of it. You slowed down your walk to back track to gon and you started walking next to him.
He didn't say anything but look at his fingers. You then reached to and and put your arm around his shoulder.
"Oh I forgot something y/n Chen at the restaurant" Gon said while perking up.
" oh do you want me to come with you to get it" you asked while slowing down your walk.
" no it's should be quick...." he said while turning in the other direction and running off quickly.
" Killua is he ok I k ow you sensed his bloodlust to" you asked while turning to face him.
" y/n I have to tell you something and you need to listen" he said while getting serious.
" yah what's up you said while crossing your arms giving an intense look.
" Gon really likes you like really really likes you like love like" Killua said while putting his hands in his pockets.
" Wait Really" you said while blushing.
"Yes and he may ask you out today so please just accept his feeling he would be hurt if you refused him" Killua said
You looked at you feet and began to fondle your hands.
" Killua I know Gon had been killing for me....." you say
The atmosphere got intense and he got quiet.
"I'm not stupid, ever since he started cutting glares at guys who talked to me, I noticed he would sneak up in the night then come back late with blood all over his clothes and when I put the pieces together it just made sense" you say
" well I guess we better go stop him from killing that waiter, we need to hurry" Killua said while grabbing my arm and turning god speed.


I swear as soon as he walks out the back I am going to make his death quick. Just slit his throat and hide the body I have done it enough times to know how it's done. The waiter walked out the door and headed to his car. I turned my presences off so he couldn't detect me.
Then with one swift movement I grabbed his head pulled and back and slit his throat blood splattered all over my clothes.
" damn this is gonna be hard to clean up" I say while dragging the body to the dumpster and throwing it in.
"GONN" i heard a scream you tuned to see y/n.


" look I can't explai-
Before I could say anything she hugged me and she did it tightly.
" are you ok are you hurt is there any pain anywhere" she said worried and frantic.
" no I'm fine...why are you here you saw what I did" I said ashamed of myself.
" Gon I already knew she said while letting go of me departing from the hug that I wished could of lasted longer.
"Killua told me everything" y/n says while smiling at me.
" and I accept your feeling she said while leaning in to kiss me. When she did I started to cry. I pulled away after 30 sec years were still flowing down my face.
" Why do you forgive me after what I did I killed ppl y/n" I said while more tears began to flow.
" I killed Gon and you forgave me you never gave up on me" Killua says while waking toward you guys.
" he right" you said while hugging in some more.

" hey lets go back I saw a sweets shop back near the hotel" you say while smiling and grabbing Gina hand.
" SWEETS :3" Killua said while getting excited.
" you can't eat to much Killua remember what happens last time you ate yo much chocolate.
You all had a flash back to when Killua went crazy and started raiding candy shops.
Man you loved these boys..

Another one in the bag I'm trying to get as many chapters as I can done but since I'm in high school and I Do a club sport things get busy. Love you guys.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2020 ⏰

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