🔪우린 Real Vibe Killer 🔪

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Chapter 1


Laying in bed, your eyes still closed, you could tell the room was bright due to the rising sun. Though not wanting to get up yet, you tried snuggling closer to the warmth next to you but your attempt failed as whomever it was rudely turned away from you. You let out a small groan as you slowly opened your eyes, only to be met with the back of one of your caregivers head. Pouting you sat up and shook your head in attempt to wake yourself up more causing your ears to softly hit your head and the bell on your collar to ring.

Blinking the last bits of sleep from your eyes you looked to your left to see Taeyong peacefully sleeping on his bare tummy, while to your right, your caregiver Jaehyun laid sleeping on his side

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Blinking the last bits of sleep from your eyes you looked to your left to see Taeyong peacefully sleeping on his bare tummy, while to your right, your caregiver Jaehyun laid sleeping on his side. It wasn't often you got to share a bed with the duo but each time you do you remember why it's a rare occasion.

You sighed and as if on que, your other caregiver Yuta came into the room, fully dressed and ready for the day. Standing at the edge of the bed he beckoned you over to which you happily obliged, carefully making your way down the large bed cautious of the two sleeping men beside you. Yuta picked you up setting you on his hip before giving your lips a soft peck. "Morning dada" you whispered softly as he began making his way out of the bedroom. "Good morning baby, how'd you sleep?" He questioned starting to make his way downstairs with you still in his arms. "It was no fun dada" you pouted "oh? And how come?" He challenged "daddy doesn't cuddle throughout the night like dada does" you said a frown at this point clearly evident in your voice, causing Yuta to laugh. He kissed the top of your head as he made it to the bottom of the stairs "that's because Yongie kicks baby" he said with a chuckle and set you down. "go watch t.v okay? I'll come get you when breakfast is ready" he said nodding his head towards the living room and you quietly obliged again.

You sat on the couch in your over sized shirt as pajamas & turned on the tv. You weren't really interested in anything the tv had to offer this early in the morning so you settled for the news, hoping something interesting would appear from it. As time went on you managed to get sucked into whatever story was being displayed on the screen, before you heard the giggle of another girl. Immediately panicking since you were the only girl in the house, you flattened your ears down to hide with your hair & thankfully you were already sat atop of your tail. Looking to your right at the stairs, you saw a pretty brunette come down the stairs with the one and only Lee Haechan behind her. You glanced at the girl, offering her a soft smile briefly before quickly looking back to the tv in hopes not to intimidate her. Haechan stepped out completely when walking her out, leaving you alone for two seconds before Jeno and Renjun came down the stairs.

Renjun instantly made his way to your side pulling you to his chest to cuddle, something you both did daily with each other. Jeno however stood glaring at the front door, clearly unhappy with the sight he'd seen on his way down , and as if on que yet again Haechan made his way back into the house. ".. what" he said with a straight face, displeased with Jeno's looks. "Are you actually fucking dumb?" Jeno questioned angrily, causing Haechan to roll his eyes "what I do doesn't concern you" he said started to get irritated with the quick confrontation. "Hyuck, it does if she gets pregnant.. you can't be having sex with humans without at least telling them that you're a hybrid.." you spoke calmly but jeno on the other hand snapped "not to mention you're betraying your owners!". And That. That had been the last straw for Haechan. He looked at both of you before stomping his way upstairs, not before spatting out a harsh "fuck you".

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