Ce statusuri ar avea profesorii daca ar fi pe Facebook...

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*Smaranda..in a relationship with PatriarhulDnutzul Thau( asta e profa de religie dar colegii o striga smaranda din nu stiu ce motive)
*Tamara .. in a relationship with Big boss Euclid (El macho)(asta e diriga de mate)
Comm Aristotel:Sa va tina ! Euclide ce noroc ai .. O are la radicali..
Comm doamna de istorie: Fmm cand ai tu iubit eu nu am...acum tre sa ma duc singura la sala.Sunteti frum de tot impreuna:*** xoxoxo
*Doamna de desen.. pregnant.. enganged( sau cum se spune) with Picasso and Van gogh
Doamna de muzică:Sunt geloasă! Ma urc pe perete
*Doamna de informatica.. broken relationship with steve Jobs
*Doamna de sport.. have 5 childs with Ilie Nastase
*Doamna de fizica.. live with steve hawking
*Doamna de chimie.. selfie with Berzelius.. sex wit Mendeleyev
*Doamna de serviciu is. Married with directorul Salubris
*Doamna de Geografie. pe raul Gange with Alexander Von Humboldt and Magellan
*Doamna de Civica.. feeling important with V. Ponta
*Doamna de Germana.. pozik with sis Angela Merkel and bro Klaus
*English teacher feeling cooking the lunch with the Elisabeth queen *A friendship for a life*
*Doamna de Tehno.. feeling sexy with maria sa manual
*Doamna de romana.. feeling hot in bed with Ion Creanga and Caragiale
*Doamna de biologie simtinduse reproducând si hot cu emil racoviță
*Paznicul vechi.. feeling boss de boss. Working at Spitalul 9
*Paznicul nou feeling pitbull at scoala stefan barsanescu
*Statescu..feeling Many Iscusitul in his “atelier“
*Doamna bibliotecara feeling la shopping la librărie cuparand carti
*Doamna secretara.. feeling gansta with her new“imprimanta“
*Doamna directoare adjunct feeling RASTA :)))))
Cam atat au scris colegii mei "minunati"...

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