Karma's A Bitch

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"Fifty thousand won, please."

Xiumin flushed slightly as he pulled Suho's black card from his jacket pocket, passing it to the woman behind the counter.
She'd certainly looked at him oddly when he bought two dozen eggs, duct tape, clear wrap, several packs of Jello, tin foil, and an air horn.
But then again, who wouldn't?

"Here's your card back," the woman mumbled, automatically placing his items in bags.
Xiumin nodded in thanks and took the two bags from her, rushing back out of the store.

Maybe, just maybe, he could get back to the dorm before Chen, and maybe, just maybe, he could pull the prank off before Chen got there.

Chen smiled widely as he poured water on his hyung, watching in amusement as Luhan's face went from surprised, to mock anger.
"I'm your hyung!"

A smirk made its way onto Xiumin's lips as he placed egg after egg on plastic under Jongdae's pillows and sheets, imagining the younger as he tried to lay down on the bed.

"Let's hug!" Chen's expression seemed to say as he ran at Chanyeol, ducking at the last moment. His laugh was heard even over the music playing at the concert, and Chanyeol gave him the evil eye.
"I'll get you back, hyung."

Duct tape on the air horn, stuck behind the door as a door catch.
A classic.

Poor Kris. Silent laughter left Chen's lips as he hit his hyung where the sun don't shine, ultimately causing the older to lose the silent 007 bang game.

A prop for Chen's favorite stuffed animal, stuck in light green Jello.

Fan; Jongdae oppa! Just reply with a dot before leaving! Just a dot will do~
Jongdae: I am Chen the dancing machine!!

His chair wrapped completely in tin foil, his shoes stuffed of the silvery content. Several hats wrapped in it, just for good measure.

Watching from the sidelines as Chen gave the Weekly Idol MC a heart attack as his band mate pretended to smack him with the hammer before announcing he was apart of Exo-M.

Bye bye pepero sticks hiding under his stuffed animals.

The time when Xiumin left his iPod on his bedside table, and Chen turned the volume up all the way, then proceeded to allow the oldest to nearly go deaf as he unknowingly plugged in his headphones and pressed the 'Play' button.

The duct tape...where to put it. Xiumin finally settled for grabbing the plastic bag his supplies came in and went the the bathroom. Pulling the shower curtain aside, he made a mental note to warn the other boys as he taped the bag around the shower head tightly, knowing Jongdae would want to take one after he found the eggs. Then, taking a sharp pencil, he carefully poked a single hole in the middle of the bag, so little water would get through.

"Wanna watch a movie, hyung?"
Suho looked at Jongdae suspiciously. "Can we watch something that's not sad?" he mumbled as he sat down on the couch.
Chen smiled mischieviously, turning to hide it. "Of course," he replies, placing the horror movie into the DVD player.

Quiet laughs leave Xiumin's lips as he tapes clear wrap to the wall from inside Jongdae's room, ducking to go under it. Unless Jongdae suspects anything and is looking for the prank, he won't notice a thing until he tries to step through his bedroom door.

How much more time do I have? - Xiumin

Nearly an hour - Jongdae insisted we visit the beach. Bake some cookies and put something spicy in it. Really give him a run for it - Luhan

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