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We're sitting together for the first time in a year. I think we're friends again, but maybe that's just me hoping for something that is long over. Adrian obviously doesn't trust me like he used to, but he's aware of the fact I'm just at reliable as I was when he left. I would like to think he's here because I'm his first choice, but we both know he's just out of options.

My mouth is dry and I can feel my hand shaking. Volvok is too quite for my liking. "Are you just going to si-"

"Shut up Damitry." Adrian cut in sharply. His voice was harsh, his face expressionless. My jaw snaps shut and I lean back in my chair. "That's better. You know why we're here?"

My mind wanders back to a few days prior when I actually decided to check my phone's voice mail. All three were from Adrian and all three were practically the same message, with the same tone of voice and the same amount of annoyance. The actual messages only told me a time, date, and address, although it was probably safe to assume what this man wanted. He was the kind to take pride in his work, almost to the point one would think he was boasting. I suppose he was in a way, a kind of advertising. Advertising a skill set that he would not be able to use for very much longer. So yes, I would assume, but I would not let him know."You wouldn't tell me."

"Of course not, you think I'm stupid? I want to hire you."

My throat tightens with fear. My assumptions were right, and now I had to find someway out of this. "S-shut up with that," I whispered harshly. "You're gonna get us both thrown in prison... We both know you're lying too, so why don't you just go."

The Russian man grinned and leaned over the table. His breath smelt of alcohol and his teeth were yellow. It made me want to vomit. "I am man of truth. If anyone is to lie here, it is you."

"I can't exactly argue with you." I responded, letting my eyes fall down to the table. It wasn't everyday one looked a man like Adrian in the face without something negative coming out of it.

"Then you'll take the job?"

"Hell no. I've got a good thing going for me here and I can't waist time running around with some dumb ass." Adrian looked offended. "Look, you can't expect me to drop everything and just go off with you. That's just not how it works." Adrian sat back in his set and glared. He looked old then. The dim light catching his grey hairs, a few noticeable wrinkles on his forehead. We where both quite for a while before he asked me why I wouldn't take a well paying job.
"Because I don't think killing people is right."

"It might not be right, but it sure is easy."

"I'm not sure if you'd be the person to ask."

Adrian narrowed his eyes and bit the inside if his cheek. His body sat heavy in the booth, a sign of annoyance maybe. "Look, I'm at the end of my rope. I wouldn't have asked you to be here if I thought I could get anyone better. If I walk out this door without you, you may never see my again... I'll disappear and you will have lost this opportunity. Wouldn't it be better to at least try? To at least have this option?" My lips pull tight and he knows I'm not convinced. He rubes the back of his neck and I know he's out of ideas. "Your trade isn't stable, and it's almost impossible to get leverage on clients... Just... Come out with me once."


"One time. Just to test the waters..."

"I don't know..."

Adrian stands up then and makes his way to the door. For some reason I feel like time is going too slow. The bar's patrons' voices die down and the only thing I can hear are his heavy boots and the grinding of his teeth. He is almost to the door now. I have to make a choice. I follow him, plunging into some unknown underground I hadn't dared to go near. Or I can stand here and watch him go. I can watch my "only opportunity" slip between my fingers. Fingers. Adrian's hand his pushing the door open. He's leaving and I will follow.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2015 ⏰

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