Charli's pov Cinderella:CHARLI Y:yes mom? Cn:time to get ready Y:ok Today was the day of orientation for royalty prep academy. Our parents had been training us our whole lives to get into this school since we were babies. I put on this dress
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I walk out and see dixie wearing this
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Then i go to the secret door in my room. I pull on the book and the door opens. Everyone has a secret room in their room. Its where we keep all of our equipment for our hobbies. Mine is filled with dance stuff. I go to the pumpkin carriage and see the boys in suits. We go off to the central Castle Avani's pov Tiana:honey its time to get ready now I get changed into this
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Then i get in the limo and we all go to the central Castle Mads's pov Rapunzel:guys get ready Ev:ok I put this on
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