Chapter 9

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A/n: Alright... I'm changing the story tactics. Oh, and plot. I need a plot... Who has a plot?

^^^ Written 2 years ago ^^^


MLB Season 4 and 5 sucks now. And also, I'm in another fandom. so uh. ye.


Marinette blushed as Felix smiled. She felt her heart flutter and her stomach twist. What was she feeling? Was she... Oh no.

"Felix, I-"

The door opened to reveal Marinette's mother, Sabine Dupain-Cheng. Her draw drops seeing the sight of Felix in her daughter's dressing room.

Felix cleared his throat and smiled. "Good evening, Mlle. Dupain-Cheng," Felix greeted, bowing his head slightly. Sabine stared at him, then her gaze fell on her daughter. Marinette shrugged. She mouthed, "I'll tell you later."

Sabine sighed. "The stage is ready for you two," Sabine stepped back to let Felix and Marinette out. She watched as they walked together towards the stage. Felix didn't seem like he was shook knowing Marinette was Lady in Red. She smiled to herself, thinking that this was good. When Marinette has problems, she can share them with someone else she can trust. 


It wasn't often that the audience gets to see Lady in Red dance without her spectacular orchestra or whatever group of musicians the theater could offer her to dance with. And when I say, "it wasn't often," I meant to say never. So, imagine the shock of the audience when Lady in Red entered the stage with a male dressed in white and he too had a mask on. Murmurs filled the auditorium and they were very excited, expecting a dance between the two. They were confused when the male went downstage and sat on the white piano. 

The boy started to play and Lady In Red danced to the keys. The crowd didn't know where to look; to the boy in white playing the gentle keys that held untold stories in them or to Lady in Red who seemed to be dancing the story the boy in white is telling. 

They were incredible, and even if they can't understand the story they were telling, they know that it is beautiful. 

The music finished and the boy in white stood up and went up the stage again to give the crowd a bow with Lady in Red. The audience erupted in applause. Roses were thrown at them and some even whistled.

Before they exit the stage, Lady in Red stepped forward and gestured toward the boy in white. In a loud voice, she proclaimed, "this is Monsieur Blanc. He shall be my partner in theatre from this day onward." That was the first time the audience has ever heard Lady in Red's voice and they were quite surprised at how young she sounded. Lady in Red and her newly dubbed partner exit the stage with another bow. 

Lady in Red and Monsieur Blanc strolled past the business of the backstage crew and headed straight for the changing room. When they were finally alone, they both took a relieved sigh. They took their masks off and stared at each other, then burst out laughing. 

During the show, Monsieur Blanc had to keep himself from keeping his fingers from pressing too hard from the unused attention he was being given. Lady in Red had to watch her steps because her mind was scattering from questions such as "how is Felix" to "oh, stars. It's really happening" to "shoot. Did him finding out is affecting any of our performances?" 

Throughout the show, they were nothing but tense and they both knew that. But a comforting thought between all that is that they were performing with each other, not anyone else, but with each other. They knew who the other was, and Felix knowing who exactly he was playing for just made him want this performance to be more perfect than ever. And Marinette knowing that she could finally share with someone that has to keep a secret identity like hers gave her comfort because she doesn't have to maintain the whole "I'm Lady in Red and I am an authoritative and awesome figure yadda yadda." 

After the show was when they finally felt peace in the air.

Felix and Marinette slid down to the floor, and Felix reached out to caress his thumb softly on top of Marinette's knuckles. Marinette made no move, just enjoying the slight touch Felix gifted her with. 

These kinds of moments-- where it was just them and silence-- are one of the moments these two youths wished to have more often, but they know that if it happened too often, then it would lose that rarity it had, that specific spark that made that moment special. Felix didn't let go of Marinette's hand until the door opened for Marinette's parents to enter.


"FELIX!" Adrien burst into Felix's room and it caused him to spray stray ink on his table. Felix bit his lip as he looked for wipes to clean the mess fast before it stays forever. Adrien remains oblivious to the expensive ink spilled on the table as he scrolled through his social media to show his cousin the latest video. "Look!" He yelled, showing Felix the latest performance of Lady in Red and the debut of Monsieur Blanc. "Aren't they amazing?!"

Felix watched the performance on his cousin's phone and then lightly laughed. Being in it and watching it from an audience's perspective was such a difference. When he performed, his muscles were tense. The world was being molded as he played as if the way his fingers made music was a life-or-death situation. But as a spectator, he could see that this was no big deal. He had nothing to worry about because people would love him either way. 

"You shouldn't have missed it! They were so incredible! The way they just mixed so well together is just so... Wow..." Adrien expressed, and it amused Felix that this was how his cousin reacted. And... this was how he reacted to the person he tormented dancing. 

"Maybe I could dance with them one day..." Adrien dreamed. "We all would be the best of friends."

Adrien didn't know who she was behind the mask. He didn't know how much he hurt her. How could he ever dream of dancing with them when he treats the one behind the mask like trash? He doesn't deserve her. 

Felix scoffed at his remark. "Keep dreaming," he said, continuing to clean the ink that his cousin previously spilled. 

Adrien had no idea why Felix would act so cold. Wasn't it an amazing dream? 

He sighed. Felix just doesn't understand. He doesn't have a passion for these types of things. He wasn't trapped in a picture frame. His destiny wasn't pre-written for him before birth. 

Adrien got his phone and said, "you wouldn't get it."

He left the room, much to his cousin's relief.

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