4 - Life Imitates Art

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         There's a moment in everyone's life when everything starts to seem like it's perfect. They have the job, they have the man, they have the friends. This, they say, is called bliss. But with bliss, comes ignorance. It's easy to ignore things when one is overwhelming happy, like one of many stormy Seattle nights. There is, however, something picturesque about those storms. Like they came straight from the MOMA. They also say life imitates art, so doctors really hate storms. That's another thing about doctors, especially surgeons, they are insanely superstitious. That's why there's never a ladder in an OR, or an umbrella in the emergency room. Surgeons knock on wood and throw salt over their shoulders more than anyone else, yet whether or not they have bad luck changes anything. Why risk it? 

          Lexie was awoken by the storm as it continued to rage into the morning. She was quick to forget about Liam as she come home last night into the proposing arms of Mark. But as much as she wanted to believe it would be that simple, it never was. She knew she would have to go in that morning and deal with whatever lecture Robbins gave her, but at least for a few minutes she could just lay beside her fiance. The brunette laid a hand gently on his chest to wake him up, wanting to at least let him know she was heading into the hospital. "Good morning." She whispered, her lips brushing his ear in his groggy state. "I have to head in and do pre-rounds on, so unfortunately you don't get to see much of my face this morning." She added before planting a peck on his cheek and getting ready. She couldn't wait until the day she was a surgical fellow and could actually enjoy a morning with Mark. But until then, she was up early and home late. At least she had some new interns to lighten her load.

          Mark vaguely recalled waking up to a brief goodbye, but quickly fell back asleep. It was a short extra fifteen minutes before he woke up to the empty spot beside him. He had thought things would change after she said yes, and even though it was only a short eight hours, he expected to get mornings and nights with he. God he hated residency, always had and always will. And with Lexie being a fifth year, there was no way she would have time to plan a wedding. She was his dream girl though. He'd wait another ten years if he had to. Although he would prefer to give Sofia a sibling or two before too long. He knew his way around a wedding though, and they had some friends who were the same. So with enough people, he was sure they would have a perfect wedding. A perfect wedding, a perfect girl, a perfect life. 

               The rain was still pouring as Mark made his way into the hospital, although the lightning had begun to die down. Storms were never a good sign. Storms meant accidents, accidents meant traumas, traumas meant a busy E.R, and a busy E.R meant a long day. Was it too much to ask for a guy to get an easy day? Especially one where he could celebrate and share the good news with his friends and colleagues. An O.R would have to do. Most of his good news, and bad, was delivered mid-surgery anyways. As long as Derek was first to know, Mark would be happy. He knew it'd be good news to most, except for maybe Jackson. As close as the two were, the fact that Lexie had still been hung up on Mark in their relationship put a bit of a strain on their relationship. But he was his protege, the plastics posse, as Mark liked to call them. He hoped that he had been understanding when the two first got back together. Who was he to say no to the love of his life reciprocating his unspoken feelings? Jackson could understand that. He'd have to. Especially if he was to be Mark's plastics fellow.

         His drive into the hospital was normal as always, the radio playing as he got stopped at the same red light he always seems to hit. But routines change. The milk goes bad, or the dryer never started, or there's a tree in the road. Mark was shook back into reality by the sight of a tree falling onto the car in front of him, just soon enough for him to stop and only graze the back of said car. He was shocked for a moment, unable to move, but then his instincts kicked in. He was always a fight over flight man, a run into the fire instead of out. So it was no surprise that he exited his car and ran to the driver's side with unparalleled speed. From the looks of it, the two had minor superficial wounds, but there was only so much he could tell from his limited visibility. And it sounded like someone beat him to calling 911. As the ambulance roared closer, he offered the pair in the car a warm smile.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2021 ⏰

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