Chapter II

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Get ready for angry tae tae >:0

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Get ready for angry tae tae >:0

While waiting for the elevator to arrive I jumped in surprise when a sudden deep voice spoke behind me.

I exhaled a awkward laugh and turned around, clenching my chest.

Damn he scared me.

"Sorry for scaring you."
He let out a cute chuckle.

"It's... it's okay.. hi."
I smiled and hr stepped closer to the elevator and was now standing right next to me, both of us facing the elevator door while waiting.

He started.

I turned my head to look at him.

"I.. I'm really sorry for the way I talked to you earlier today."

Oh? Is he finally apologising?

"It's okay.. I'm sorry too. I wasn't nice to you either."

"No no.. it's all cool."

We smiled at each other and the elevator arrives.

We talked on our way to the ground foor I
came to know that he was a good person.

Sometimes people act a little off because of what's going on in their life and maybe it was the reason why he acted the way he did in the afternoon.

I walked out the elevator first and when I turned around to wave goodbye to Taehyung, he wasn't there.

I pursed my lips in a thin line and started walking towards the parking area.

A certain red car came to my sight and I felt my insides clenching.

I want to run away, I whined internally.

The moment he saw me, a disgusting smirk appeared on his face that I wanted to wipe off with a slap across his face.

I stopped at a good 2 metre distance from him and cleared my throat.

"The box."
I demanded.

Jaemin licked the front of his teeth with the most annoying sound while eyeing me up and down.

My hands unknowingly gripped the hem of my shirt. I still feel uneasy under his gaze.

I do act tough from the outside, but on the inside? on the inside I'm still a little girl who is scared of getting hurt by him.

"No hi no nothing,huh?"
He started walking closer with his hand inside his pocket.

"Don't be so harsh on me babe."
He snickered.

I was backing off until my back came contact with another car parking behind me.

This isn't good.

"Just.. just give me the box and let me go."
I pleaded.

"Aw are you scared of me?"

I turned my head away from his lustful gaze and warned him,
"I'll shout if you try anything."

"Fuck you."
He mumbled under his breath and walked towards his car to get the box.

While he was away, I tried getting control on my breathing. I can't be weak, not infront of this dickhead.

Jaemin comes back with the box and without any second thought I took it from his hands.

"Woah woah.. are you that eager to go?"

"yes, I am."
I nodded my head, eyeing the ground.

"No good bye kisses for daddy?"
Oh no no no no.

My heart started beating faster at that specific word, that word.

It makes me feel nauseous, makes me sick in my stomach.

He trapped me in between the car and his body.

"Let..let me..go."
It hard for me to speak with my breathing going wild.

I wasn't breathing normally at this point and he saw that. It make him proud, just like those days.
He loved when I was weak under him, he loved the feeling of superiority over me.


Before I realised it, I was a sobbing mess.
Broken sobs and warm tears were rolling on my cheeks.

"aww look at you"
I closed my eyes, feeling helpless.

why can't i fight bac-

"poor little slu-"

A hard punch and bone cracking was everything I heard before i quickly opened my eyes.

Standing before me was a furious Taehyung looking down at Jaeming bleeding from his nose while gripping his jaw.


I jumped back at his shouting.

Taehyung ran his fingers though his messy brown hair, clenched his jaw and crouched down to meet Jaemin's eye level.

"Listen here."
He said with his raspy voice.

"If I see you one more time around her"

"you won't be able to go back on your own legs."

"Do you understand?"

"I.. i do.."

Jaemin shivered with fear in his eyes.

Jaemin is only bark and no bite -.-

I'm sorry if this chapter was short ❤I hope you enjoyed ❤and take care ❤

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I'm sorry if this chapter was short ❤
I hope you enjoyed ❤
and take care ❤

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2021 ⏰

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