Chapter 3

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The two of us had finally arrived at the hotel. Well, it was more of a resort but right now that does not matter. What matters right now. Right. Write. Haha. One is a direction the other is an action. One is... Stop stalling Hermione. You can do this. Breathe in. Out. In. Out.

Where were we again? Aha. What matters right now is that we have to meet my family and that most of them hate me. Deep breathes Hermione. Open your eyes-  We've reached. Panic mode. I can't believe this. The war Heroine is scared of meeting her family. Calm... and now, open the door.

Brittany Pov

OMG! The CEO of the Hotel has arrived. My hair is okay right? Good. A tall brunette got out of the driver's side. She is gorgeous. She opens the passenger's side door to reveal a child. Now, I don't like children but this one is absolutely adorable. She has short dark brown hair and gorgeous sea green eyes. 

They are coming towards us. That's weird. Only Hermione is left.

"Grandma!" the little girl was shouting, running towards Aunt Jean. Wait. what?! That elegant lady can't be bookworm hermy. "Now, now, Stella. We're staying with your grandmother for 2 days. You can calm down" the girl, apparently Hermione said. Now, that I see her up close. She isn't even pretty. 

"YOU HAVE A CHILD OUT OF WEDLOCK! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU? HOW CAN YOU DISGRACE THE FAMILY NAME LIKE THAT", my amazing mother shouted.  Hermione lifted her left hand and showed us a very beautiful ring."I am married and love my husband very much. Now, if you will excuse me, we need to check into the hotel", she replied calmly. 

"Don't you have to move your rental car first? After all, you don't want it to get towed, do you?" I asked. "That is my spot Brittany. And my car too"she said calmly once again. (The breathing technique worked, didn't it Hermione?)

There is no way she can afford such a car. Probably lying like she was about her 'husband'. How do I care anyway? It's better if 'her' car gets towed from 'her' spot.

She picked up her daughter and walked into the hotel like she owned it. She went in and greeted the receptionist," Hey Dean. How's it going?" 

"Pretty good, 'Mione" the average looking receptionist said back. 

"Can you check us in please? The Grangers"  

There was a long clacking of keys before he asked, "The family suite for you then?" 

"No, it's fine. I'll bunk with my parents"  

"But he called in the morning and made me promise that I'd put you in the penthouse"

"Fine then. I tell him not to meddle. But noooo"

The receptionist laughed before giving Hermione 4 keys. 3 normal hotel rooms and 1 for the penthouse. I tried snatching the penthouse keys from her but she didn't even acknowledge me and gave the key to Crystal, mum and Aunt Jean.

Hermione Pov

Good job,'Mione. You should just ignore Brittany the brat until your knight in shining armour comes tomorrow. Just two more days with them then, you are free to go home.


530 words.

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