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A few days later
Ella's POV

I woke up to having the sunshine hit me in the face. I smiled. Beautiful. But the minute I woke up, I could feel the bale rising up in my throat. I jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom. I flipped the lid to the toilet seat up and threw up. I groaned. I threw up again and again. I must have ate something that didn't agree with my stomach. I threw up again. I then felt someone lift my hair up, so it wouldn't get dirty. I then felt someone else rub my back. I groaned and threw up again. "It's okay baby girl, let it out, let it out", jazz whispered to me. I groaned into the toilet. Ugh! I hate throwing up. It's always so gross. I pulled back from the toilet and sat down on the cold floor. Ratchet wiped my mouth with a towel. He looked Worried. I smiled at him. "I'm okay, probably a bug or something, I'm fine", I said. Instead of calming down he felt my forehead. Oh great mother hen is here. "Still, you should rest today", he said. He and jazz helped me up and helped me walk into the bedroom. I crawled back into bed. "I heard humans like soup when they are sick, I'll go make some, okay honey?", ratchet said. I smiled at him. He smiled weakly and walked out of the bedroom. Jazz then got in bed with me. "Won't you get sick too?", I asked him raising an eyebrow at him. He chuckled at me. "We don't get human sicknesses, we're robots remember?", he said. "Oh yeah", I said. I snuggled up to him. He wrapped his arms around me. I laid my head against his chest. Hmm. Feels good. I could fall asleep like this.

"I heard someone's not feeling too good", I heard ironhide say when he walked in. I just whined. "Come lay with us", I mumbled. I heard both of them chuckle. I felt the bed dip and he snuggled up to my back. Wrapping an arm around me. Mmm. I loved snuggling. They're so warm. I then felt the bed dip again. I felt hands on my feet. Giving me a nice foot rub. "Not feeling very good my love?", Optimus asked me. I just hmm'd. I felt him rub his hands up and down my legs. It felt good and comforting.

"Just rest for today and if you feel better tomorrow, we'll see about doing something", he said. I hmm'd again. I was so sleepy. I almost fell asleep. But I was rudely awakened again. "Time to eat sweetspark, you need to get your strength up again, and I've brought medicine, it'll make you feel better and knock you right out afterwords", ratchet said walking into the room. I whined, not wanting to get up and do anything. I just wanted to lay down and become a Cozy burrito. I felt lips on my forehead again. "Come on baby girl, after you eat and get some medicine in you, you can go back to sleep", jazz whispered softly. I could barely keep my eyes opened. I cracked them open. I could see all four of them. Oh great, I probably look like shit. I smiled softly. "I probably look like shit", I said snorting. They chuckled. "You never looked more beautiful baby", ironhide said kissing my cheek. I turned to him and patted his cheek. "Your a bad lier, but thank you", I said. He chuckled again and kissed my fingers tips. Mmm. Even when I'm sick they show me they love me. In different ways.

Ratchet sat the tray down on the bed and crawled into the bed with us. He grabbed the bowl and helped me eat. He feed me like a baby, but right now I didn't care. I felt like a baby and I wanted to sleep like one too. And man this soup rocked. It was pretty good. Spoonful after spoonful he would smile at me. He would encourage me with words. "That's a good girl, doing so good honey", he would say along with other words. It felt like he was talking to a baby. But all I felt was love, so I let it happen. I was too sick to be embarrassed. The others would rub my back or feet. It felt really nice. I felt like a fucking princess.

After he fed me, he gave me a few pills to swallow with water. I smiled at them in thanks. "Thanks guys, I feel like total shit right now", I mumbled. I felt them push me softly back into the bed. "Then sleep baby girl, get some rest, let your body relax and heal itself, we'll be here to wake you up for dinner", jazz said kissing my forehead. I hmm'd and snuggled into my warm teddy bears. They really do feel like heaters. Jazz and ironhide wrapped they're arms around me. While ratchet and Optimus rubbed my feet. I fell asleep like that. Feeling more loved then I've ever had.

Third person POV

Jazz frowned and kissed Ella's forehead. "My poor baby", he said softly. He hated when she got hurt or sick. It worried him. At least he could tell she didn't have a fever. She didn't feel warm. "it's just a human cold jazz, I would know if it were something more serious, in a few days she'll be back to our normal Ella", ratchet said. Jazz chuckled. "Don't let her hear you say that, she hates the word normal, she's anything but normal", he said smiling and kissed her cheek. They all chuckled. "I can agree with that one", Optimus said. They're Ella was anything but normal. And they didn't want her to be.

Ella was Ella all on her own. She wasn't normal but they didn't want her to be. They just wanted her to be herself. They loved that version of Ella. Herself. They would love her in every way. No matter what. They loved her. 

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