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It was now the begging of Fall and Bella was no where to be seen. As a matter of fact neither was Higgins. It was unusual when neither builder could be found in the commission guild. Which had Antoine suddenly on edge. Missing one day was fine but two days? "Presley?" "Yeah Antoine?" "I'm gonna go check houses, if I can't find them there I'm getting the Civil Corps involved." Presley looked over at him and nodded. Even he had to admit he was worried about the two missing builders. Antoine walked out from behind his desk and made his way towards Higgins house first. Only to see the house was completely dark, as well as the fact his machines weren't running.
      Feeling a cold chill run down his spine he turned to start heading for Bella's when Jack stopped him. "Antoine, have you see Bella? Her house is empty and none of her machines are on." Now Antoine was worried. Where were those two? "No I haven't, I was just about to go check her house myself, Higgins home is the same way. No ones home." Jack frowned, it was a Saturday morning and both Toby and himself had wanted to walk around the fields but knew that they had to wait for Bella. "Don't worry Jack, I'll go tell Arlo, Sam and Remington that we have two missing builders."
      Jack slowly nodded and walked back towards his sisters shop. Antoine shook his head and was soon running towards the Civil Corps building. Just as he was running up the last path did he see the three people he needed. "Guys!" Arlo looked over and raised an eyebrow. "Antoine? What are you doing here, why aren't you at the guild?" He took a few seconds to catch his breath before he spoke. "I can't find Bella or Higgins. I haven't seen either of them for two days!" Arlo felt his eyes widen and shared a worried look with both Sam and Remington. "You're kidding right?" It was Sam who spoke and he shook his head. "No, it's beginning to bother me. Missing one day is fine, but those two usually swing by to hand in a commission and work on the defective items."
      Remington placed a hand on Arlo's shoulder before speaking. "Don't worry we'll find them. You just get back to the guild, we'll inform you the second they're found." Antoine slowly nodded. He wasn't extremely close to either builder but he knew he couldn't just let them stay missing. "Thank you." And with that he turned and left heading back for the guild. "Split up, I'll check the first Ruin, Remington you take the second, Sam go out and check the collapsed waste lands ruins. The second someone finds them or a clue connect the others immediately." Both Sam and Remington nodded before the three ran off in the directions they were told to go.
      Bella leaned her head against the wall and groaned. Both Higgins and herself had been trapped below ground for over two days. And neither builder was happy. "Bella?" Said woman glanced over at Higgins with a raised eyebrow. "What's up Higgins?" Said man looked at her and frowned a bit. He saw the exhaustion and the fear. "We need to see if we can't move that rock." Bella frowned before she nodded. She needed to get out of there. She hates enclosed spaces. "Alright, But how your legs messed up?" Higgins looked at her and frowned as what she said made sense. "I don't know you, I won't pretend to know you, and i won't pretend to be your friend. But I think, no, i know you can get that rock to move."
     Bella nodded and stood up, her legs a bit shaky but she faced the rock. "Alright, I'll try." Higgins nodded. "Find it's weakest point." Just then another voice yelled down. "Bella! Higgins! You Two in there?! I can't get the door open!" Bella's eyes widened as she heard the voice. "Remi! A bolder fell and it's blocking the door!" "Shit! Is Higgins with you?!" "Yeah! But listen to me, I'm gonna try to move this. And we need to get Higgins to Dr.Xu right after!" Remi was silent for a moment before he spoke. "How the Fuck are you gonna move it?!" "Just....just Trust me." "Alright I'll radio Sam and Arlo let them know I found the both of you."
      Bella took a deep breath and closed her eyes, reaching deep into the depths of her mind where abilities that long laid dormant and placed her hands against the bolder finding its weak point. "I got it." Higgins raised an eyebrow but nodded. "Good, now do it!"
      Meanwhile with Remi. "I found them, they're trapped in the ruins." "You're shitting me." "I wish I was Arlo, but Bella said she's gonna try to move the bolder." "How the fuck?" "No idea Sam." "Right well, I'm on my way." "Copy that." And with that the line went dead and Remington looked over at the door. "Come on Bella, you got this."
      Bella for the first time in years was allowing her abilities to run lose, the ground beneath her began to freeze and she moved to the other side making sure the ice got under the bolder as well. Higgins watched with slight amazement. Not that he would ever admit that to her face. But he was impressed, she was able to manipulate ice, and he found himself wondering what else she could do. With one last deep breath she shoved the bolder and it rolled down hitting the ground with a thud. "Got it! Remi! Try to open the door!"
      Within moments the door was ripped open revealing a worried yet shocked Remington. That's when he saw the ice. "How...." Bella shook her head. "Now is not the time Remi, I'll explain it later, for now we need to get out of here. Before another cave in happens." Remington snapped to attention and ran over to help Higgins stand before they both limped towards the elevator. Bella was waiting inside already. She had a few bruises along her arms and hands. Dirt along her face and Higgins looked no better. Once they were back on the top level did the three walk out only to stop as Arlo pulled Bella to him in a back breaking hug. "You're Alright."

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