[[Yandere Kun x Osoro Shidesu]]

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[[i sincerely want to apologize for not writing anymore,i was really proud of this book as cringe as it may be,but i left it behind due to troublesome events,i bet noone actually waited or cared lmao,but if any of you did i'd like to thank you!i couldn't find another image so uhm..]]


It was a simple monday morning,well it wasn't going to be so simple for Ayato since the night before he planned to join the deliquents,in some way at least..why?he thought that it could be an easy solution to eliminate his other rivals,although he actually never thought about how hard it would have been just to do one task,let alone all of them.

But he was Ayato Aishi,there was nothing he couldn't do,and he was determinated to do this.

Ayato woke up around 6 am,turning off his alarm he sighed and got up of course he had breakfast,took a shower as well as brushing his teeth and put on his uniform it was about then he realized that it was time to go so he left the house to head to his school,Akademi High.

As soon as he arrived he hid behind a tree for a while until he saw the deliquents passing by,he then started to follow the 5 assholes to the incinerator,he asked to all of them what he could do for them to join the gang,that was when he started running around the school to get everything and giving it to them.

And finally with a proud grin he joined the gang,his plans were working perfectly.

No trace of Osoro,which was good,because then he wouldn't need to deal with another deliquent,actually he never even saw Osoro,because so many warned him to never get close to such violent person and all that,and since he skipped all his classes for Ayato it was even harder to see him,how come the leader of the deliquents isn't there?he asked himself.

The night he went to town to get blonde hair dye,which he tried doing but he ended up making a mess all over the bathroom and just getting a spit hair dye,which obviously was going to look good on him anyways. [[because i totally don't love Ayato/Ayano so much]]

After his usual routine he ran around the school to get to the incinerator,but instead he bumped into someone..his knife even dropped to the floor from the sudden motion,he looked up just to see the one and only Leader of the deliquents,Osoro Shidesu.

"Fuck..this asshole Had to come back right on the first day i joined his stupid gang"

He mumbled barely hearable irritated with his usual monotone voice,this was the worst situation for him right now..it really was something he couldn't imagine happening.

"Hey!you got somethin' to say?then say it to my face!" 

Osoro said as he looked down on Ayato with his arms crossed over his chest after he heard him mumble under his breath,making him gulp with a slight frown,Ayato had to admit the other could be a bit intimidating.

"hm?you look like the one Umeji talked about..the newbie uh?you joined yesterday right?"

Osoro added to his little rambling,which Ayato wasn't quite listening to,the other mentioned something about Ayato joining,and Osoro's questions were almost completely ignored just with a nod as they didn't necessarily require an answer anyways.Not like Ayato liked to talk much in the first place.

Osoro didn't know why,or how he felt exactly,but he didn't feel as much irritated he would get with many,if not all of them in the school,he almost felt butterflies in the stomach just by looking at the "newbie".

And with that a day passed by with classes,gang activities,stalking and such.

Osoro examinated Ayato and kept looking at him with a little glare,it was because he was new and he wanted to see if he was enough to be a deliquent,if not a scaredy cat,but on the other end he actually wanted to know why he felt like that towards him.

Next Morning Ayato texted with Info-chan,he felt discouraged since Senpai wasn't his yet,but he still felt very determined to do anything just to have him all for himself.

He went to the deliquents as he started learning just a bit more of them,not that he cared,but he didn't mind either to know a bit more information,he found Osoro friendly towards him??he talked a lot to him,but with nothing in particular to really talk about,just casual conversations,learning more and more.

He finished his lunch,Osoro wasn't there,he knew he would probably be fighting with who knows who,but he still somewhat cared??it was something he couldn't explain.

Ayato finished his last class before gang activities,he walked out of it before going down the staircase to the first floor,and there he saw an Injured Osoro,he was actually bleeding,he rushed out to him as quickly as he could worried for him as he took him to the nurse's office.

After he was treated they both sat by the window,Ayato let out a relieved sigh,happy the other was treated,it wasn't a feeling of obsession like the one he had for Senpai,it was a gentle feeling as if..he liked him..and Osoro felt the exact same way,but they both couldn't explain it in any way.

Osoro took his jacket and threw it gently on top of Ayato's head,messing his hair,Ayato then held it close to him as he looked at Osoro with the corner of his eye.[[it's the scene from the video :D]]

"You make me feel different,i like you."

Ayato was shocked to hear such weird confession,especially as he said it with the same demanding tone of voice,so he laughed quietly,Osoro's face only getting redder.

"Noone can know about this okay!this..stays..between..us.Got that?"

Ayato nodded before replying with another weird confession,a way to mock him but also because he couldn't say it otherwise.

"Keep my secret too okay?this stays between us"

He said with his monotone voice as he smiled a little,his own face starting to blush.

[[HMM,AH,I SMELL THE CRINGE!Anyways i hope you liked this update,it was a rather soft one if we take out all the cuss words,but yeah!if you have any opinions please leave them in the comments i'd like to know how to improve or just anything you want!]]


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