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What is biodiversity? Most of humans are familiar about this word. The sad part is, some of them do not completely understand what it is. Especially the importance of conservation of biodiversity and how the role of each lifeforms affects one another. "If we pollute the air, water and soil that keep us alive and well, and destroy the biodiversity that allows natural systems to function, no amount of money will save us" - David Suzuki

In this world, everyone is dependent to one another. No man is an island or should I say, no specie would survive in an island without something or someone to depend on. Food Chain is a model that shows how energy flows between living things. Humans are on the top of the food chain. Basically, the food that humans consumes everyday is a product of food chain. The biodiversity plays huge role in order to satisfy the demand of humans in the society. No food chain is equals to no food for humans. So, what is the consequence? Energy flows between the living things. Therefore, if there is a large portion of species inside the biodiversity suddenly became extinct, the ecosystem will get ruined. The ecosystem can recover depending on the biodiversity. Is the biodiversity to a certain place is strong enough to handle the large number of extinction of species? The heartbreaking fact is that not all biodiversity can handle this loss. Once the food loss happen because of the loss of species in biodiversity, scarcity will happen. Poorest of the poor will die in hunger because of the decrease of supply. This occurrence will result to increase in demand making the price goes up to the point that only privilege can afford. This facts verified by the Food Agriculture Organization of the United Nations " The State of Food and Agriculture: Moving forward on food loss and waste reduction", published on 2019; "the possible causes of food loss and waste are numerous and highly dependent on the socio-economic and cultural context in which actors in the food chain operate. As a result, they vary greatly from one region or country to the next. There is a significant amount of knowledge that can be tapped, but the fact remains that data are scarce, scattered, of unknown quality or limited representativeness. Since the biodiversity varies on a certain region or country, the supply-demand relationship varies too".

In my conclusion, every living or non-living things in this world have vital roles. Being aware and concern about biodiversity tells the fate of the society. It proves that, biodiversity conservation not only stop to a certain "environmental campaign" on the internet by planting trees. It starts within ourselves. Small actions matter for a healthier society.

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