Chapter 2

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"Address, Phone, Name..." Jeremy says filling out the sign in form. Jennifer smiles at Jeremy, who is staring at his phone. "You know, you don't have to do this if you don't want to." Jennifer says reassuring him. "Oh no, It's fine! It's for Ethan honey..." Jeremy replies. But deep down, he can't help but feel sketched out by this service. Free animatronics? There's got to be more to this. However, he wants his son to be happy. If this is the way, so be it. Jeremy finishes the sign in form and gets to the final page. "How long would you like your subscription to last?" The page reads. Jeremy puts his finger to select 1 week, but right as he presses it, all buttons malfunction! They all glitch out and read "ETERNAL PACKAGE" Jeremy presses the button before he can think! "Wait, NO!" Jeremy yells. But there was no stopping it. "What happened?" Jennifer asks concerned. "This stupid website malfunctioned and signed me up for some eternal package?" Jeremy replies. "Eternal Package? What does that mean?" Jennifer asks confused. "I don't know, but I'm canceling it." Jeremy replies angrily. 

Jeremy scrolls down to look for a cancel button, but it is nowhere. Refresh, he thought. Maybe his phone was just buggy. No. Refresh after Refresh, nothing happens. "Damnit! I knew it was a scam!" Jeremy yells. "What's wrong?" Jennifer asks. "This stupid website doesn't even have a cancel button" Jeremy replies frustrated. Jennifer hugs Jeremy. "Listen, you're so stressed out all the time. Ethans birthday is in 2 days! You should be happy!" Jennifer says trying to cheer him up. "I know but, with my job and that stupid service..." Jeremy replies. "You're on summer vacation! And I'm sure we can find a way to cancel that service! Email them or something!" Jennifer says reassuring Jeremy. Jeremy smiles and kisses Jennifer. "What would I do without you?" Jeremy says smiling at Jennifer. "Go coo-coo" Jennifer replies jokingly. Jennifer starts laughing at her own joke. Jeremy smiles. "Okay, it's not that funny!" Jeremy says looking at her wife laughing maniacally. Jennifer keeps on laughing.  Jeremy starts laughing too. "Let's go make breakfast okay?" Jeremy suggests. "Alright, coming!" Jennifer says still giggling. Maybe things won't be so bad. 

2 days until the party...

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