A Part of Me I'd Never Seen

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A/N : A huuuuggee thankyou to @ohnoballoons on Instagram for making this art. I can't thank her enough for doing this and bringing my words to life like this. Hope you like the art as well ❤

It's too cold outside. Harry feels his teeth fighting to chatter because of it, but he doesn't move. Zayn could be here any moment.

He feels a gush of warmth inside at the thought of seeing Zayn again. He's nervous, really nervous, the anxiety buzzing underneath his skin like an uncomfortable itch but he wants this more than anything. He wants Zayn to see, that he's not running away anymore, he won't.

The nervousness gets the best of him and he starts messing with his curls, just for the sake of doing something with his fingers because they won't stop trembling.

He spent last night tossing and turning in his bed, thinking about Zayn, dreading Liam's text, telling him that Zayn refused, that Zayn doesn't want to see him again, but it never came. Instead Liam called this morning to wish him luck. He hasn't been able to stop fidgeting since then, too anxious to stop but the mere thrill of it, the excitement of finally seeing Zayn reflects on his face, because he hasn't been able to stop smiling either.

It's a good feeling over all, Zayn makes him feel vulnerable and determined, nervous and excited, but most of all, Zayn makes him happy.

He feels a soft tap on his shoulder and turns around, almost stumbling over the pavement, his heart stops before he can curse himself for being so clumsy, it's Zayn.

He's dressed in a black shirt, skinny black jeans and a long black coat and he's different. He's dyed his hair, the roots a dark brown contrast to the blonde tips. He looks so different, Harry almost feels lost with how unfamiliar he looks but then he smiles slowly, teasing, a small, timid smile and Harry places a hand on his heart, literally. Because even though he's different, he's not, he's still the same Zayn.

His eyes shine, this bright hazel in them that shines so hard, Harry wants to cry. He wants to cry right here, outside the art store, on the street for people to see how beautiful Zayn is in the moment. Harry wonders why the people on the street don't stop to look at Zayn, they really should.


Zayn's smile widens, he nods.

"Um.." Harry feels his legs trembling with the effort of holding him up, his toes numb in his boots, "I'm sorry." He blurts.

Zayn tilts his head in confusion, brows furrowed.

Harry studies him carefully, he doesn't want to make any mistakes tonight.

"I'm sorry I left so abruptly and never came back."

There's a weird energy between them, a static, a charged feeling, Harry feels it, like Zayn's just as nervous, as excited.

Zayn bites at his lip gently and then slowly waves his hands.

Harry blinks, trying to understand.

Zayn does it again, slower this time.

Harry doesn't understand, he can't. The nervousness in his body comes crashing down on him all at once and he desperately looks into Zayn's eyes, ready to apologise.

But Zayn puts up a finger and pulls out his phone. His fingers slide over the phone screen effortlessly and Harry stares at them, trying to understand, until he feels his own phone vibrate.

Zayn looks up at him, smiling, his eyes glimmering.

Harry quickly fetches his phone out and unlocks it, there's a text notification, 'hey curly, it's me, Zayn!'

Harry's heart settles in his chest, the pure relief of the moment pours over him and his eyes water because of it but he lets out a soft laugh and looks up at Zayn to find him smiling, like he's proud of himself for thinking of it, he should be.

Zayn types again and a few seconds later, Harry gets another text,

'Are you okay?'

He looks up and nods, even though he's on the verge of crying, he nods, "I wasn't but I am. I am, now."

'You don't have to apologise. It's okay.'

Zayn's looking at him with a small smile on his face, but his eyes don't glint with mischief anymore, a heavy emotion swims in them instead, an emotion Harry knows too well because he's spent his life chasing it.

Harry shakes his head, "I have to. I need to. I shouldn't have run away like that Zayn. I'm sorry. I got scared. And that's what I do, I always run away. I'm sorry."

Harry waits for Zayn to respond, his hands clenching around his phone in anticipation. His phone vibrates.

'But you're back Mr. Styles.'

Harry laughs, "Yes I am." Zayn grins at him.

'Did I scare you?'

Zayn's messing with him, atleast it looks like it, because there's a playful smile on his face but it's also Zayn asking, it's him really asking, Harry sees it.

"You did." Harry nods, he watches Zayn's eyes widen, "You scared me so much because you made me see the parts of me I'd never seen, the good parts. You made me realise a lot of things Zayn."

Harry watches Zayn's eyes go soft at the corners, he blinks and his eyelashes cast a shadow on his cheek, he's beautiful.

'So you're not scared anymore?'

"I don't want to be."

Zayn nods and then he's grinning as he types. Harry gets excited because Zayn's almost blushing and he's never seen that before.

'You look beautiful tonight.'

Harry's eyes go wide at the text, his dimples deepening on his cheeks against his will, so shakes his head and quickly ducks his face to hide his smile.


Harry looks up at him, still smiling and before he registers it, Zayn's stepping forward and kissing his cheek.

A gentle but firm brush of his soft lips against Harry's cheek.

He doesn't pull back immediately, lingers for a moment and Harry catches a whiff of him, vanilla and cigarettes. Harry shuts his eyes, inhaling the scent once more and tucking it somewhere in the back of his mind, tucking it carefully in his memory for days when he feels lonely, for days when he desperately needs Zayn by his side.

Zayn pulls back softly and Harry stares at him, bewildered, his mind whirling and his heart a mess, knocking pathetically against his chest, threatening to burst open. He brings his hand up to touch his tingling cheek and feels his lips breaking into a huge smile again.

Harry feels happy, giddy, like he could dance right now, like he could scream with happiness because Zayn Malik kissed him.

Zayn's looking at him with an amused expression, his eyes warm but challenging and Harry redeems himself, "Okay, um, so coffee and pastry?"

Zayn types again.

'Only if you pay for the pastry this time.'

And Harry laughs, this loud sound that escapes his throat and he immediately clamps his hand over his mouth, embarassed, his eyes wide.

Zayn's lips beautifully stretch into a huge curve and his eyes shut down with how hard he grins.

Harry loves him, in this moment and he will, in every moment to come after this. He'll always love Zayn Malik, even if Zayn doesn't. Harry won't stop.

So he leans in and kisses Zayn because in this moment, Harry has a feeling, that maybe Zayn loves him too.

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