He's all mine

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I wake up with Landon still by my side now. He is such a good guy. I think it is possible for him to be mine and I could be him. I get up to make him breakfast. I ponder about it because I don't know if that's what you do for your mate. But I decide to make him eggs, pancakes with chocolate chips and some sausage. I walk in the room and he's awake.
" Hey. " I say.
" Good morning. " He says.
" I don't know if this is what you do for your mate but I made you some breakfast. " I say nervously. I could sense he knew I was nervous and comforted me.
" Thanks so much. " He says kissing me. " I am starving. " We both get up and walk to the table.
" Oh my baby this looks great. " He says. I was a little surprised when he called me baby. I mean he's only been my mate for what 2 days. Once we're done eating we go to a meeting that makes sure everyone has a mate. We change into wolf form and race over there. I won by the way. We laughed until we got there. Everyone was really serious. It was weird because werewolves are playful and aggressive but know when to be serious. Now was a time to be serious. We change back and walk up to some friends. We sit down in the grass and wait for the alpha to come and announce some news. He walks up, our alpha and announces a long speech.

" Fellow werewolves, we have noticed a drop in offspring among our be half. We need everyone to have a mate that suits you in the next 3 days. If you do not have a mate, then unfortunately we must kick you out if the pack. " Everyone gasps. Even Landon and I, even tho we have each other. Everyone whispers and starts panicking until the alpha says,

" Now this announcement has been approved by our leaders around surrounding packs. Same goes for them. " He walks away leaving everyone worrying about being kicked out. This is a fine pack and to be kicked out is like getting killed. Once you get kicked out there's no going back and you basically fall off the map. Some find lower class packs and some don't find packs at all and become lone wolves. I look at Landon and he is gone. I see him running over to a young wolf running away to the rocks where we howl at full moons. Landon tackles him and I stop about 20 meters away. I use our mind link and listen to the conversation. It's his brother and he doesn't have a mate. His brothers name is Aidan. I learned in school that the name Aidan means little and fiery. He sure was both of those.
" I don't have a mate!!! What the hell am I going to do!!!! " He yells.
" Your going to get through this and find a loving mate like I did. " He says. He's so kind talking about me in a good way. Even in serious situations he talks about me. I listen no more when Aidan yells at Landon and pushes him and runs away, turning into wolf form. I meet him half way there and ask," What are you going to do?" He looks at me for a second.
" Oh so you were listening to our conversation?" He ask.
" No, I.... I...." I stutter. He looks at me with an emotionless face and runs away in wolf form. I follow him but comparing our speed in wolf form I'm faster but when he's mad, he's way faster than me sprinting when he's only jogging. I lose his scent and walk slouching home. In the middle of the night I hear him come through the door. I pretend to be asleep and he walks in. He sighs and kisses me on the forehead and leaves. I go to bed smiling and as happy as I'll ever be.

I wake up early in the morning, my mind set on one person, Landon. I missed him so much. I set out to find him. Yes. I finally pick up his scent. I follow it up to where I first met him, by the forrest on the beach. I see him with some other girl, a blonde and I get furious and upset. I walk over there but stop when see him push her away and walk into the forrest. I'm so proud of him. He chose me over her. I follow him and meet him at the falls where we swam at. I find him sitting on the shore in wolf form. I tap his shoulder and he looks at me and changes back.
" Thank you. " I say.
" For what? "He asks.
" I saw you reject that girl out on the beach. There must be a lot of people dying to get a mate. But you chose me. " I say to him proudly.
" Oh you saw that. " He says shyly. I don't answer I just reach over and kiss him. We sit there for a moment, lightly kissing.
" I love you. " I say.
" I love you too. " He says after a minute. We head over to his place tonight to sleep. As we go to bed I snuggle up against him and think to myself, he's mine and I'm his.

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