Chapter Three

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My head snapped back at the impact of the slap Lyanna gave me. I attempted to go after her, but she was already gone. I let her go, my cheek red.

I went to my room and Myranda was waiting like I told her to. She was completely naked with her long hair covering her breasts. "Is my father dead?" She asked, running her fingertip, along the handprint on my cheek. "Who gave you that?" She looked up at me.

"He is dead, yes." I told her yanking at my clothes, needing them off. What I needed was my cock buried in Myranda's cunt, what I didn't need was talking. Talking was boring. 



I ran to the Godswood with Winter running at my heals. I fell over a root and landed face first into the snow in front of a heart tree. The tree in front of me looked as if it was crying tears.
My cheeks stung from the cold and the tears running down them. I sat up, leaning against the tree.

The Godswood are the old gods, the gods my father believed in. The seven were the new gods Catelyn and Sansa believed in. I felt the most comfortable with the heart trees. Talking to them was easy, as was being in their presence. They gave warmth, trees to climb, Bran wouldn't be climbing trees anymore.

Winter nudged his cold nose up into my cheeks. "Hey baby." I cooed patting his wet fur. He whined. "You're a good boy." I kissed his forehead.

I stayed in the Godswood for a long time, talking to the trees and petting Winter. I felt at home for the first time since coming to the Dreadfort.

A Year Later


I was in the great hall eating breakfast which consists of oatcakes butter and jam, bacon, soft quails eggs and some mint tea. My father was sitting next to me on my left, Lyanna was no where to be found.

My father wasn't eating, he hardly ever did so this came as no surprise. In front of him were letters, one of them I could see a direwolf emblem. It was from Winterfell. I could also see a letter from Iron Throne. I quickly looked away and went back to my meal, wondering what was in the letters wasn't my business.

Father opened it reading slowly, I was almost done before he said anything.

"Eddard Stark is dead." Roose whispered. "And Robb is King in the North. He's going to war." He added.

"Where is Lyanna? We going to tell her?" I asked looking into my father's weird gray eyes.

"She's in the Godswood. Robb wants me to send him men."

I guess Lyanna was an after thought to him. He didn't care if she would ever learn if her father was dead or not. "Who are we giving our allegiance to the Lannisters or the Starks?" I nodded to the other letter.

He looked over at me, not saying anything for quite some time. "We're part of the North, our men are going to Winterfell with our banners." Roose told me.

"Am I coming with you father?"

Father shook his head. "No a Bolton needs to remain at the Dreadfort at all times." He told me quietly.

"But I'm a Snow." I said.

"For now." He agreed and said no more.


The Godswood

I didn't care for the Godswood much. Yes, growing up in the North these were our gods, but you talked to trees and literally nothing came of it. I hardly ever came here.

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