Chapter 4: Another Dragon

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Another Dragon

Both dragons ducked behind me as best as they could, though a large portion of each of them was still visible even though their heads were pressed firmly into my back.  Apparently they still looked to me for protection even though together they were certainly more powerful.  I couldn’t blame them though, not when a fully grown dragon was flying directly toward us and roaring so loudly it made the trees shake.  I knew better than to grab my rifle, any show of aggression would lead to instant death.  I just hoped this new dragon didn’t barbeque us before we had a chance to talk things out.

I knew for a fact that the dragon, or rather, dragoness, had seen us already, because she changed course to fly directly at us.  The way I knew she was a dragoness, the slight bulge in her stomach that told me she was carrying eggs.  That, and the only dragons that came here were dragonesses looking for a secure place to raise their young.  She pumped her great wings to slow herself as she came in for a landing barely ten yards in front of us, and I got my first good look at her as she lifted her head to look at us.

Her scales were a deep jade green, with pure white stripes on her shoulders and the top of her neck.  She lacked a crest, though in its place she had a flowing mane of pure black fur that hung from her spine like a horse.  It ran all the way to the tip of her tail where it plumed out like Valaria’s and Grimond’s, kind of like a feather duster in appearance.  Her eyes were a pure yellow like the rarest topaz, and seemed to hold the wisdom of a thousand men in their depths.  Those topaz eyes locked onto the tent and then the chopper, finally ending at me before widening in surprise at the two young dragons attempting to hide behind me. 

She leaned in closer to sniff at us, though she pulled back at bit when Valaria whimpered.  “What is wrong little one?”  Her voice was soothing and soft, just as I would expect from a soon-to-be mother.

I looked over my shoulder and Valaria peaked around my side to look up at the dragoness, “Y-You aren’t going to hurt us?”

Now that got the dragoness’s attention, “Why in the world would I do that?!  You are but hatchlings, not even dry behind the ears yet.”

Both of my charges lifted their heads to glare at the dragoness, “Hey!”  Grimond yelled, “We’re a drake and drakka now!”

“That’s right!”  Valaria added, “We’re not hatchlings anymore!”

The dragoness chuckled softly in her throat, “Such fire for ones so young.  I can only imagine where you get your spirit from.”  She turned her gaze on me and I fought the urge to cower as she towered over us, “And what are you doing in this hallowed place?  Only expectant dragonesses can enter through the magic barrier.  No human has ever seen this place and lived.”

She drew back her head as she sucked in a breath, and I braced for her to torch me.  However, she never got the chance.  Valaria and Grimond placed themselves in front of me and the dragoness paused for a second before lowering her head to our level once more.

“Why would you protect this human?  He is trespassing on sacred ground and must be removed.”  Her eyes never left me but her focus was on the siblings.

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