Chapter 2- Welcome to New York!

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After an incredibly long car ride involving screaming, my siblings and I almost murdering each other over which fast food place to stop at for lunch, binge watching Netflix, and my parents trying to get us to play sibling bonding games, my dad pulls up in front of a gray brick building. It looks to be several stores tall, with the industrial windows outlined in white. "Well this is it. Our new home!" Dad says, sounding happy.

I step out of the car and I look up and down the street we're going to be living on. To the right of the apartment building I see a brown building with a bookshop on the ground floor. A large blue door stands in between two large glass windows, in which many books with old covers are displayed. To the left of the apartment building stands a plain red brick building, with a fire escape going down the front of it.

Chris and Robin step out along with Ethan. "Grab a box and follow me to the apartment, kids!" Mom says, opening the trunk of the car. My parents already visited the new apartment a couple of days ago, and got the furniture set up. Now all that's left is a dozen boxes or so that we just packed in the car.

I grab a box of dishes and follow mom. The five of us step into the elevator. "I wanna press the button!!" Ethen shouts, jumping up and down.

"Go ahead." Mom chuckles.

A couple minutes later mom takes out a key and unlocks the front door. We all quickly shove into each other as we all try to get into the room at once.


(Here's a picture so I don't have to explain the whole thing)

(Here's a picture so I don't have to explain the whole thing)

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"It's beautiful!" Robin says stepping in.

Within seconds Chris has collapsed on the couch and pulled out his phone, and begins texting. I roll my eyes. "Where are our rooms?" I ask, turning to my mom.

"Down the hall." She points to the right. "Yours is the last door on the left. I think you'll like it." She smiles.

I quickly run down to the hall to my room. My jaw drops when I see it.

(Feel free to change the color)

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(Feel free to change
the color)

Kitti flies out of my backpack, and flies in little loops around the room. "This is purrfection!" She happily exclaims.

"I know! This is way better than my room back home! I'm glad I gave mom permission to design it!" I say, laying down on the bed. Suddenly my phone chimes. I check the message and smile.

Have you got to your new home yet? :)

I begin typing Marinette back.

Yup! The apartment is great!

That's good to hear! What do your siblings think?

I'm pretty sure Chris only likes the couch lol

Lol! Is Ethan adjusting to the move alright?

I'm not sure. He's been pretty quiet. I think he misses his friends :(

Awww... I hope he makes more friends soon!

Me too. New York is a big city so I'm sure he'll meet some other kids his age.

That's good to hear! I've got to get going, my mom needs help in the bakery. TTYL! :)

Bye! TTYL ;)

I set my phone down on the desk and open the window. I lean out a bit and look over the city. do so many people live here? I think. People are busting in all directions. Teenagers are chatting as they walk, woman go along as they tightly grip their toddlers hand, others with suitcases and shopping bags rush along. I also occasionally spot a person or two (most likely tourists) wearing I love NY, T-shirts and/or hats.

I desperately want to look around the city, but I don't think mom will let me since I'm not familiar with the area. I decided to walk around the apartment and get familiar with my new home. Within the next ten minutes I discover Robin is in the room next to mine, across the hall from her room is a bathroom, and next door to her room is Ethan and Chris's room. I head back into the living room to notice an entryway to the kitchen/dining room, and another door to my parents room.

I find myself heading back into Robins room, where I find her strumming her red electric guitar. She looks up when she sees me. "Hey sis, what's up?" She asks.

"Can I chill in here for a bit?" I ask.

"Yeah." She pats a spot next to her bed. "Are you homesick?"

I sit down and cross my legs, propping my elbow up on my knee, and resting me head on my hand. "Yes, but not from what you'd think." I begin playing with a bit of my hair.

"What do you mean?" Robin asks, gently strumming her guitar.

"I really just miss Paris."

"I get that."

Now that surprises me. "You do?"

"Yeah. You've never really had any good friends, but something tells me you've made a lot of them during your time in France."

She's right. Marinette, Nathaniel, Marc, Luka, Alya...even Ladybug and Chat Noir...all of them helped me learn so much about myself. They were my first real friends.

But Chat Noir...

I never told my family that I made more than just friends with someone.

"I just hope that now that you know that you actually can make friends that you do it. You've got a fresh start here. Use it." Robin pats my shoulder and gives me a reassuring smile.

I smile back "thanks." I says hugging her. I stand up as she tucks a loose strand of her dark maroon dyed hair behind her ear. "Any time. You are my baby sister after all." She gives me a slick smile, knowing how much it annoys me when she calls me that.

As I walk out the door, Robin calls something out. "Oh and (yn)," she strums her guitar and sings a line of a song from one of her favorite music artists. "Welcome to New York!"

Hi everyone!! (Saying everyone every time sounds so generic and boring. Does anyone have any suggestions on what I can call my readers?)

Anywho....I'll try to update this book every Thursday and Monday!! Yay! :D

Love you guys!

𝓛𝓲𝓽𝓽𝓵𝓮 𝓦𝓱𝓲𝓽𝓮 𝓛𝓲𝓮𝓼 (Chat Noir x Reader) -The Eye of the Black Cat Pt.2-Where stories live. Discover now